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Chapter 3
 About 3 days after we had left Key West, we had arrived at our new home in Mississippi. From here on out, my life would be completely different. One of the worst parts is that i start a new school tomorrow. in order to get everything to fit into our new house, each of us had to get rid of a substantial part of our possesions. I now had to share a room with a 12 year old and a 6 year old. While my parents and sisters were setting up the new house i decided to walk around the trailer park. It had just rained the day before so everything was muddy and as i was walking around i slipped and fell in a puddle of mud. In a second, someone was at my side helping me up. 
"You know, people don't usually slip in mud puddles" he said to me. I rolled my eyes as he brought me to my feet.
"Are you new around here?"
"yeah, we just got here today. this is my new home." I said, and rolled my eyes again.
"Well my name is Travis, I'd be more than happy to show you around." I scanned him up and down. He isn't the type of person I'd be caught dead with back at home. Complete trailer trash.
"Um, no I'm fine. Maybe another time" I said and started to walk away.
"Wait up!" he said and ran up to me. He took a pen out of his pocket and wrote his number down for me.
"call me when you want a tour." he said, and smiled. He had a gorgeous smile, blonde hair, and blue eyes. But he still wasn't a person I'd be caught dead being seen with. I walked back to our trailer and everything was set up...that was fast. I went into my new room and put travis' number in my iPhone. It was late and I needed to go to bed. I laid down and soon fell asleep. I woke up to the sound of my sisters arguing. I hate having no privacy and sharing a room. I got ready and soon was out the door and on my way to school. I had to take the bus as opposed to when Andrew would drive me to school everyday. When the bus pulled up and i walked on, I looked around and all I saw was people who I would never be friends with.

Format by twilightgirl995

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Beautiful goodbye. Chapter 3 About 3 days after we had left Key

10 faves · Jul 6, 2012 8:45pm






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