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The Truth and The Lies
Chapter 2


 New York City, New York, 2010
Just keep running. Just keep running.  I started wheezing, and running real slow. Their were a million questions going through my head, and you won't beleive how happy I was when I remembered that Grandma told Me and Lea that she was going to an old friends and won't be back until six. I could hear gun shots in the distance, and one just missed my arm. Turns out somebody had the heart to call the police because numeral set's of ambulance's and police cars showed up, and I started to calm down, but I still kept running. I heard the robber gasping, and another gunshot. I guess the robber wanted to make his last gunshot worth it, and he acheived his goal. He shot Lea stone in the back. When it was clear that the police had taken him away, I stopped to stare at was once my sister, now just a big pile of blood and bones. "Tell Grandma I love her, and Ana, I love you with all my heart. At least I'll be with Mom and Dad now. Thank you." Those were Lea's last words. I saw the ambulance take her away, and insisted that I come along. As soon as the ambulance closed the doors to their truck, I started bawling as hard as I could, and it just got stronger when I heard Grandma call me on her telephone from home. Imagine telling your Grandma that her Grand-daughter is dieing. Well, that was what I had to do on November 27th, 2010, or, as I know it the day that Lea, my favorite person in the world, died.


  New York City, New York, 2011

Today marked the one-year anniversary that Lea died. And, today just so happened to be the day that Me and Grandma were moving to Florida.

YO, YO! I know that nobody is reading, and I'm sorry that this chapter was kinda short!
Oh, and as always, I encourage you to read thesweetestmoments story Candy Hearts!
Please Comment what you thought of this chapter ( and don't sugar coat it!)



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The Truth and The Lies Chapter 2 New York City, New York, 2010

4 faves · 2 comments · Jul 6, 2012 10:43am






iLoVeBaCoN · 1 decade ago
thanks :D
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xoHannaxo · 1 decade ago
I thought it was good. :)
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