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Barely Here - Summary

16 year old Kayla is battling something that no teen her age truly wants to face, anorexia. Throughout her life, she's been thrown a ton of curve-balls. She is just about to give up when her life changes, she meets 16 year old new kid Ryan. Ryan instantly finds her interesting, but Kayla has secluded herself from people truly knowing what's going on with her for so long, that she doesn't know how to really let people in. As Ryan gets closer to her, Kayla just pushes him away. Will he be able to help? Does Kayla even want the help? Maybe she just wants to handle everything on her own. I mean, she's been doing fine all this time, or maybe not. 

Should I post the first chapter? Feedback maybe? 10 faves and I'll put the first chapter up <3 thanks guys   
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Barely Here - Summary 16 year old Kayla is battling something

5 faves · 4 comments · Jun 26, 2012 11:52pm






SetUpToFail · 1 decade ago
Most of the beginning is her alone and really he only starts to actually help towards the end since she doesn't really want help but thanks (:
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aislingtomlinson · 1 decade ago
Im mean it sounds okay..maybe put it on wattpad not witty, its not really a quote, but a nice start. Personally i would like to see a story about someone anorexic who actually battles it alone though
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SetUpToFail · 1 decade ago
Thanks! I already have like 7 chapters written in a notebook that I wrote during school but I didn't want to waste my time if no one would read it
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Sharkgirl16 · 1 decade ago
sounds like a great story!:) please post
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