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Quote #5909868

243 faves · 15 comments · Jun 24, 2012 8:22pm






Marie1388 · 1 decade ago
StardollUnicorn01, this quote was directed to the children who are blessed with the opportunity to live a happy lives with both parents but take it for granted. This quote was not directed at the children who complain about their parents when they deserve to complain. This quote was meant for the kids who really do have it good, and shouldn't be complaining because just because their parents take their phone away is no reason to say that you hate your parents. If a child says they hate their parents because their parents beat them or verbally abuse them, then they have a right to complain. This quote was not saying "think before you speak" to those kids, but the kids who really are blessed with wonderful parents, but still complain.
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lovelifelivestupidlylaugh · 1 decade ago
Yeah it's bad because when I hear people complaining that they hate their parents for taking away their phone, i just try to tune it out. I just think it's so unfair to all the people that have real problems, like one of my parents has a really bad drinking problem, and it's scary for me. But the worst thing is seeing other people flaunting around their problems while i'm stuck not being able to tell ANYONE out of fear. I see it as them mocking me, and i can't stand it at all
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its_okay_not_to_be_okay · 1 decade ago
Thank you for this. My dad died when I was eight, and that really bothers me when people complain.
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zwagg · 1 decade ago
Well depends on what their complaining about, some might complain cause their parents grounded them, but some might because their parents might be beat them? Depends... :/ But I agree, My parents thought I was absolutely worthless, and my mom tried to sell me...literally. Thank god I got saved by my best friend. I now belong to a happy and nice family, but my parents still live in the same neighborhood as me. It hurts seeing them pass by, acting like they don't even know me...
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Imacatmeow · 1 decade ago
Agreed. My dad died couple days ago by a couple of thugs jumped him.
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StardollUnicorn01 · 1 decade ago
This means nothing.
Maybe we're complaining, because we deserve to.
Maybe someone says "I hate my dad" because he beats him/her until they pass out. And you'd think just because they have a large house that they're a happy rich kid.
No. YOU think before YOU speak.
Maybe, we have shoot that worse than that.
Think, and thanks for being a moron, babe.
This disgusts me.
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BeccaBunneh · 1 decade ago
Thank you!
I hate it when my friends complain about 'Oh my dad is so mean' because at least they live with their dad. Or 'I with my parents we're divorced' No you f|u|cking don't. Switching back and fourth between houses? Not knowing where your dad is going to live, or who he'll date, or whether or not you'll see your stepsisters again sucks.
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CookieMonsterSwag · 1 decade ago
yeah dude. think before you speak .__. im 12 and this was totally disturbing :\ because i only have 1 dad, no mom, and i live with y grandparents beause hes abusing me. THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK JERK
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BubblyGirl22 · 1 decade ago
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Stiff_Smile · 1 decade ago
I know. I mean, I've got it pretty good. And if I complain, I don't complain often. But when people b.itch about their parents constantly. "Oh my god, they took away my phone! I hate them so much!!" Those people should just stfu.
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FieldHockeyQueen97 · 1 decade ago
can you complain when one tells you that she doesnt love you, and the other is never there?
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Marie1388 · 1 decade ago
thank you so much this quote is sooo true. if you ever need anything i'm here. this is so amazing.
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OzzyPavy · 1 decade ago
me neither.. :l
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luckeyy · 1 decade ago
i have no idea where my dad is either...
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kd00 · 1 decade ago
This made me realize how much I complain about my parents, and also how good I've got it.
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