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That should be me, holding your hand.
That should be me making you laugh
That should be me, this is so sad.
That should be me, that should be me.
That should be me, feeling your kiss
That should be me, buying you gifts
This is so wrong, i cant go on til you believe that should be me.
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That should be me, holding your hand.That should be me making

18 faves · 2 comments · Jun 23, 2012 6:17pm






MeeAndYoou · 1 decade ago
When I was like 10 - when people first started to know who justin bieber was - this was my favourite song. I'm not a fan anymore but I'm not one of those people who calls him gay and hates on him. It don't dislike him, he's just not someone who I'd listen to. But I do really like this song<\3 Sorry for the long comment I can't summerise anything :L Sorry :L
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Pillowcase · 1 decade ago
Justin Bieber. ♥
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