Witty Profiles

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The Roommate 

Chapter 4:
I was on my way to meet Lindsay at our favorite cafe. When I opened the door to the cafe I saw her sitting at our usual table. I walked over to her and sat down lazily in the chair across from her. 
"Hey girly!" She said.
"Hey." I said back.
"What's wrong?" She asked concerned.
"What's wrong is that you set me up with your boy cousin as my roommate and didn't even tell me he was a guy!" I whispered yelled at her.
"Oh please Ainsley it isn't that big of a deal!" 
"Um yes it is!"
"You need a man in your life and this seemed like the perfect way for you to meet one! Plus he is my cousin and I know better than anyone that he is perfect for you!" 
"If you went to all this trouble why couldn't you just tell he was a guy?"
"Because if I did you would have backed out and you know that's true."
"Ugh fine...but I still am mad at you!"
Lindsay laughed like she knew I really didn't mean that.
When lunch was over I was walking back to my apartment when I bumped into a really cute guy.
"Oh I am so sorry." He said.
"Oh no it's fine don't worry about it." I said feeling myself blush.
"Are you sure you all alright?" He asked worried.
"Yea I promise." I said laughing.
"Okay well I am Ben by the way." He said.
"I am Ainsley." 
"Nice to meet you."
"You too."
We talked for a little bit longer until we exchanged numbers and he promised to call me. At that moment I had completely forgotten all about A.J and his charm.
I hope you like this chapter! fave/comment thanks!♥

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The Roommate Chapter 4: I was on my way to meet Lindsay at our

3 faves · 1 comments · Jun 22, 2012 11:54pm






pandabear13 · 1 decade ago
This is good. Can you inform me of the next one
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