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If you want a reminder for when the next chapter comes out, fave and/or comment. Even if you randomly fave and don't read this story, you're getting a reminder because I can't keep track with every reader I have. I feel bad for the people with, like, 238743636148 readers (AHEM TheMascaraSeries. Omg I love you.)
I haven't been writing properly reasontly because..
1. I've been running back and forth from a freaking hospital to see my dad and
2. I'm bloomin' well tired. So yeah, leave me alone, I'm not feeling well now either:/
I have also been busy making my first CSS layouts and making a design for it
So this time, for a spoiler of Chapter 19 on the next chapter I need 5 faves:D

"Jacob hurry up, we need to ring 999!" I shouted, watching Jacob trying to swim downwards. His head popped up again, and he shook it. "They're too far down. They look so familiar!" I nodded, then dragged him out. "COME ON!" We were both soaked, because we were both taking turns trying to get the two people out of the lake. Me and Jacob immediatly called the emergancy services after struggling up the hill. He pressed the nine three times in super speed, and panted on the line to the person on the other end. "People... In... Water!" he said breathlessly. I heard a crackly 'how many' and he answered "TWO!" I grabbed the phone off him, as I had somehow regained my breath. "Right, there are two people at the bottom of Highland Lake, and I don't think their breathing! COME NOW!" I screamed, and after the lady assured me they would be at the scene as soon as possible I hung up. I couldn't get the image out of my head...

When the ambulances arrived along with the police, they rushed down with all of their kit. They took two beds along with them, and carried body bags with them in case the unimaginable happened. One man jumped into the water, and a young lady went with him. They constantly came up for breath, but after about 20 minutes they finally came up with a pair of bodies that looked so much like two people I'd known... I couldn't put my finger on who they were, because every inch of them was soaked and they were unrecognisable. Then I gasped, and realisation hit me. "JAYAH AND BETH! NO!" I sprinted over to where the paramedics were, tears flowing down my face, my speech unintellagable. "MY SISTERS, THOSE ARE MY SISTERS!" Jacob ran over to me, and grabbed me around the waist. "They can't be, they really can't be.." he tried reassuring me, but I already knew he was lying. He knew they were Jayah and Beth; he could recognise them as well. He'd known them all their lives. "I'm not going to be able to convince you they're not, am I?" I didn't say anything, and suddenly let go of Jacob's iron grip. "My babies! THEY HAVE TO BE ALIVE!" I screamed, standing next to their bodies splayed on the ground. I took both of their hands in mine, and kissed them both. "You're alright, I know you are." I whispered into each of their ears, unable to hear any breathing. The paramedics tore them from the ground and layed them onto the beds, then rushed into the ambulances. "LET ME COME, PLEASE!" I ran up with them, and jumped into the ambulance before they left.
They checked to see if Jayah or Beth had pulse rates, which neither of them had. They constantly pumped their chests, trying to get them to breath again. I was watching it all, crying my eyes out with Jacob trying to reassure me they'd be okay. "Please, God," I pleaded, "save them! Their ten, they have their whole lives ahead of them!" Then, we arrived at Mayfield Hospital, and they rushed the two beds in. They wouldn't let me in to see them, even though they were my sisters, so I screamed at them for not letting me. Instead, I was forced into giving all of our details, and our numbers and addresses so they could contact mum and dad. "Now please," I begged, staring at them using tear-glazed eyes, "let me see my sisters." The paramedic looked at me for a while, holding my longing gaze, and shook his head. "I'm so sorry, but we can't," he replied, looking at me sadly, "having anyone else around them causes a huge risk of infection, causing a smaller risk of survival - for either of them." I nodded, understanding how slim their chances were anyway, and sat down on a grey metal bench and started sobbing. Jacob followed, and wrapped his arms around me whilst wiping my tears away. "They'll be fine, I know it." He kissed my forehead, then gestured for me to lay my head on his shoulder. I continued sobbing, an endless pain coursing through me. Suddenly, a paramedic ran through a set of wide metal doors, and screamed "One of them is awake and breathing!"

We ran into the bleak room, surrounded by machines and operating equipment. Amazingly, Jayah was the one that was awake - we were told she was the weakest of them both. Her eyes were partially open, and she instantly recognised our faces. I walked over to her, and saw her linked to Beth; she was clasping her hand tight, and didn't look like she was gonna let go. She moved her mouth slightly, but with a fat mask over her mouth we couldn't hear what she was saying. She seemed like she was saying 'Bethany', but we couldn't really tell. Then, she said it again, but it was more understandable; she was saying "I love you Bethany, stay strong." A tear came to my eye, following in the path of the others that still marked my face from before. Jayah tried squeezing Beth's hand, but she suddenly went limp. "We've lost her!" one of the surgeons shouted, and I burst into another wave of tears. They pushed me and Jacob out of the room, and we just stood there, no idea how to react. Jacob hugged me, trying to calm me down, but he was sobbing as well. I never knew those stupid letters could cause so much... Why me?

Thanks for being so supportive guys, I haven't been able to write for the week for so many reasons. iloveyou..</3

Next Quote >

sparkingSECRETS;♥ chapterSEVENTEEN If you want a reminder

4 faves · 2 comments · Jun 21, 2012 3:12pm






aphylove · 1 decade ago
reminder please:) <3

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storiesaremoviesinyourhead · 1 decade ago
Reminder, beautiful! x
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