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0 faves · 2 comments · Jan 1, 1970 12:00am




petethedinsaur · 1 decade ago
ok thanks its just..he love me he said i will miss you soo much over the summer.. he didnt text me at all and that one text i get to him the first one in about three weeks was im breaking up with you...my heart was broken.. i couldnt believe he did that to me...
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piranhasmile21 · 1 decade ago
i totally get it. if you read my latest quote, you can hear about how terrible my day was. he told me he hated me. but he didnt even tell ME. he told my best friend, then told her to not tell me. its so hard to watch everything that was important to walk right out of your life like nothing, while you just watch them and feel your heart fall and shatter into a billion pieces. its hard, i know. if you ever need to talk, im here(:
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