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It's Worse

   A sequel too It's Complicated
Chapter 3
Jeff's P.O.V.

 I see Isabella in the parking lot. 
"That's her," I say suddly. Jared knows I still love Isabella. 
"I know," he says.
"What?" I demand.
"I met her a week ago," he says checking her out. I end up hitting him in the stomach.
"And you failed to tell me this, why?" I ask cooly.
"I met her through Jason, calm down." He waves his hand and we walk into the school . I point out the ones I've dated and slept with. I end up with 34. 
"The office is this way," Jared points out. He takes out his scheduale and I walk into it. I grab mine from the secrataries and walk away. We compare them and we have no classes together. We only have lunch.
"Great." I mumble going to my assigned locker. I keep Animal Farm with me because it is the book I read on the academic summer reading list and throw in everything else. I walk into my assigned english room and sit down in the back. I'm one of the first people in so I watch everyone stroll in at a normal pace. A sexy girl comes over and sits beside me. I make it known that I'm checking her out and she smiles sweetly. The only reason she sat there is because it's the only one that wasn't taken. But she seems pretty interested. 
"Hey,'" I smile. 
"Hey," she blushes.
"Lindsey," she smiles. I then start to really look at her. She has dull red hair and even duller green eyes. Her body is average. Perfect. The teacher walks in and talks about the books on the summer reading list and then tells us about a book report that is due tomarrow. Everyone groans and then the bell rings. Before I leave Lindsey writes her number on a post-it and puts it on my book.
"Call me," she winks and walks out of the room.
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It's Worse A sequel too It's Complicated Chapter 3 Jeff's

12 faves · Jun 15, 2012 6:37pm






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