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You are beautiful baby. I know they all try to bring you down, but keep your head held high in the air because society is confused. Society tells us everyone is beautiful, but if you're not a size 0 blonde Barbie doll, they look at you like you don't belong. So no matter how much you feel like you aren't worth it because you're not a size 0, don't let yourself waste away to nothing. Eat. You'll look much healthier. Leave your hair natural, throw it up in a bun if you want. Throw on some sweatpants and a big baggy sweatshirt and just walk around everywhere. Wipe off all your make-up and take crazy pictures. Be comfortable with yourself and who you are because out of all the things you feel like you can't do, the one thing you'll always know you can do is be yourself. Nobody can be you like you can. You are unique, beautiful, crazy, and you're going to become successful in life. You've lost people. Alot of people. Sometimes you walk like you have two left feet. But is any of that REALLY your fault? No. It's not. What's life with no mistakes? Mistakes are things to learn from, things to teach you how to do things better next time, things to make you smarter, stronger, and a bit closer to being successful. Making mistakes is a part of life, everyone makes them and everyone gets made fun of for them. But no matter what people tell you, you ARE beautiful. F/ck society. Just be you. I hope that whenever you're sad or mad or just need to smile a bit, you'll look back on this and think to yourself "I am beautiful." Because you really are. Stay strong gorgeous, life is a beautiful thing & you wouldn't want to lose it so fast. ♥

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You are beautiful baby. I know they all try to bring you down,

6 faves · Jun 14, 2012 5:52pm






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