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It's Hard Being A TEEN
                                                Chapter 2
We stopped at McDonald's on the way home, or where ever we were actually going. I had a cheeseburger for the first time. I swear I was in heaven. "So Olivia what do you wanna do? Just tell me, we can do anything you want!" My mom said as we drove out of the drive- through. "Umm, well I mean I don't wanna sound greedy, but I kinda need new clothes. All I have are overalls, dirty t-shirts, and a pair of old boots..." I replied quietly. " Oh! Of course! Where do you wanna shop? She said as if she were willing to buy me the whole world. "Shop?" I said as if she were speaking a different language. " Yeah, shop. Where do you wanna buy your clothes?" She answered quickly. "Oh! Sorry I didn't know what you meant. Grandma used to make my clothes if my other ones started to get too small." I said. "Oh, I didn't mean to confuse you, I didn't realize you didn't buy your clothes at a store." She replied. " Umm, well where are the good stores?" I asked " Let's see, we can go to Abercrombie, Hollister, PacSun, Forever 21, Urban Outfitters, anything. I guess the "in" thing for teens these days is "hipster" , I think that's what they call it. Your cousin dresses like that. She's about your age. Maybe we could grab lunch sometime this weekend. Ya know, get to know each other." She told me confidently. " Yeah, I guess. So let's go!" I said kinda loudly. I seemed bored, but I was jumping up and down inside. I mean, I was gonna look good or once! My mom and I shopped that whole day. We practically hit every single store. I got so much stuff. The stuff my mom wanted me to get looked kinda skanky, but whatever. If that's in then what do I care. When we were done shopping the total was $ 312.66! I told my mom I didn't need all of it but, she refused. As we pulled up to her house, my jaw literally dropped. I didn't think she would live in this giant house. I was amazed. So, my life literally changed in a day. I have a new family, new clothes/style, new house, and well my birthday is coming up soon! I thought it couldn't get any better when I saw him. 

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     Chapter 3 will be up real soon! Also tell your friends! 

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It's Hard Being A TEEN Chapter 2We stopped at McDonald's on the

4 faves · Jun 12, 2012 6:46pm






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