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So, I don't really know why I'm doing this, but I figured I haven't in a LONG time. I'm gonna put in a quote. And no, I'm sorry, but it's not about One Direction. It's not about Jenna Marbles. It's not about a tv show, or a band, or a movie. I'm really sorry to disappoint everyone. Well, here it goes...
My bestfriend in the whole entire world is hurting right now. She tried committing suicide last week. I know what it's like to want to, trust me, I've tried. And my exboyfriend is the one who helped me through it. And now, I'm gonna be that one person to help her through it. She says she hears voices in her head that tell her to do those things. She says she doesnt know why she's doing it.
            She randomly cries and has fits.
                              She's been diagnosed with
And this is my bestfriend. Does it hurt to know your bestfriend is hurting? Yes. Yes, it does. I feel like I'm carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders. And when I get home, I don't want to see quotes about One Direction or any of that, because in all honesty, they're just another boy band that you'll forget about in a year or so. So please, write about something other than that. For once, just say something about what you're thinking or write something inspirational for others. Or funny to brighten their day. Thank you to those of you who actually read this and didn't just skip over it.
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So, I don't really know why I'm doing this, but I figured

0 faves · Jun 11, 2012 1:40pm




