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S o m e o n e l i k e m e...

*Chapter 3*

As he drags me back into his alley, I'm overcomed with fear. I thought I got away from all of this... away form my old life. Guess not. I don't want to havve to go throw that horrible sound of my clothes tearing, my breath coming rigid, and most of all, the noises that come from the man. Those noises still haunt me.

The man that grabbed me whispers in my ear, "Your a pretty one. Little body of an angel.. Papa likes.. Now girly sit here and start taking off those clothes, and be ready for me." I didn't know how to react... but right as he went to remove his hand it was replaced with duct-tape. The tears were falling faster now.

This masked man throws me to the ground and takes out a knife and goes to start cutting me clothes. I start moving around and shaking and jumping, ANYTHING I could to get him off of me. I continue to put up a fight, when something comes in contact with my head. It hurt so bad. All I wanted was to welcome the darkness that now surrounded me, but was brought back with the pressure of the man off of me.

I was gently picked up and ran far from the alley, where to? I didn't know, but as long as I was away from there, I was happy.

~Hey everyone... So sorry for the crappy chapter, haven't been feeling so hot (n)
xox <3
-SpecialSomeone <3

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S o m e o n e l i k e m e... *Chapter 3* As he drags me back

4 faves · 2 comments · Jun 10, 2012 10:36am






ImRightHere · 1 decade ago
wow this is so amazing i love your story
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didyoufallforashootingstar · 1 decade ago
Hello love. (: I like your story. I just started mine, so if you read/fav mine ill do the same :)))
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