Witty Profiles

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The Roommate 

Chapter 1:
“I really need to move out of my apartment with Kelly, Jake.” I said over the blasting T.V. in my brother’s apartment.
                “Ainsley how many times do I have to say that it was a bad idea to move in with our cousin in the first place.” Jake said.
                “ I know, I know your right but I never thought in a million she would be this annoying.”
                “Well maybe you should start thinking.”
                “Yeah whatever I got to go I am meeting Lindsay at the mall.” I said and with that I left my brother’s apartment. I got into my car and drove to the mall hoping that Lindsay, my best friend, would know somebody that I could move in with since her apartment was already filled with our friends. I arrived at the mall and parked my car next to Lindsay’s.
                “Hey.” She said when I climbed out.
                “Hey ready to go shopping?” I said.
                “Of course!” She squealed and I laughed.
                We shopped for 2 hours until we got hungry and stopped at the food court.
                “You know Ainsley you really need a boyfriend.” Lindsay said.
                “Says the girl who has had a boyfriend for a week.” I said.
                “Yeah but you are always so lonely you need a man in your life.”
                “Okay Lindsay whatever you say.” I said snickering.
                “I’m serious.”
                “Okay but I need to find an apartment and someone to share it with so rent won’t be too high.”
                “You’re moving out?”
                “I’m trying to.”
                “Oh I know the perfect person!”
                “Yeah they have an apartment already but need some help paying the rent.”
                “Who is it?”
                “My cousin.”
                My phone started to ring. I looked at caller ID. It was my brother.
                “Sorry Linds, I got to go bye.”
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The Roommate Chapter 1: “I really need to move out of

2 faves · Jun 8, 2012 5:19pm






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