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Life gets tough, aggravating, full of drama, annoying people, lies, heartbreak, disappointment, tough situations, and much more....but no matter what happens NEVER say you wish you weren't here! By saying that you're wishing you were dead, and to all the people who say yes! exactly! I wish i was dead! Do you realize what you're saying? You wish you had never met ANYONE in the world....you wish you were never here...I mean really? If you honetly take the time to think about your WHOLE life, you honestly can't even think of one good thing in your life.....one person who was EVER there for you? Sometimes I wish i could just escape from everything but i can honestly say i will NEVER wish i wasnt alive.....and neither should you!
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Life gets tough, aggravating, full of drama, annoying people,

1 faves · May 31, 2012 5:27pm






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