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Member Since: 30 Apr 2012 01:06pm

Last Seen: 25 Mar 2014 07:05am

user id: 296265

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hey there i am stephaine! i have a complicated life, but my best friends sarah and ramon help me through it.  I love soccer, dance, and piano.  My favorite subject is math, and i am very smart for a blonde :)  anyway, yea.  Follow me and I will follow back ♥  stay beautiful, girls.  guys, stop breaking hearts ;)
  1. Yuu_Only_Liive_Oncee Yuu_Only_Liive_Oncee
    posted a quote
    December 17, 2012 1:40pm UTC
    It's never too late
    to be what you
    could have
    Format by FormatsByMaisha :)
    If you see this format on MaiiEeeshaSha's profile without credit, its cos I AM MAIIEEESHASHA:D

  2. Yuu_Only_Liive_Oncee Yuu_Only_Liive_Oncee
    posted a quote
    December 10, 2012 2:28pm UTC
    The boy i have loved for a long time now, was finally my boyfriend<3 we never fought, always got along, loved eachother to death, and we would always express our feelings. Everything seems good right? yeah, thats where its not. We went out for about 4 months, and the drama of school ruined everything. i admit we "got together" after we went out, but how does that have to do with anybody else? it doesn't. people be all up in our business asking me and him what we did like back off. we barely talk anymore and if we do, its just awkward. i hope your happy you ruined my life. satisfied yet? -_- i want him back already :/

  3. Yuu_Only_Liive_Oncee Yuu_Only_Liive_Oncee
    posted a quote
    June 15, 2012 2:33pm UTC
    Love is too complicated..so..forget love, I'd rather fall in chocolate(:♥

  4. Yuu_Only_Liive_Oncee Yuu_Only_Liive_Oncee
    posted a quote
    June 15, 2012 11:11am UTC

    When you try your best but you don't succeed
    When you get what you want but not what you need
    When you feel so tired but you can't sleep
    Stuck in reverse
    And the tears come streaming down your face
    When you lose something you can't replace
    When you love someone but it goes to waste
    Could it be worse?
    ColdPlay Fix You♥

  5. Yuu_Only_Liive_Oncee Yuu_Only_Liive_Oncee
    posted a quote
    June 14, 2012 1:41pm UTC
    I AM♥

  6. Yuu_Only_Liive_Oncee Yuu_Only_Liive_Oncee
    posted a quote
    June 14, 2012 11:03am UTC
    Friendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies♥

  7. Yuu_Only_Liive_Oncee Yuu_Only_Liive_Oncee
    posted a quote
    June 14, 2012 10:42am UTC
    He said he's leaving...that boy. That boy that means the world to you. He's upset, depressed, not wanting to leave. He's moving away. Not far, but far enough. All you want to do is say good bye, want to hug him, kiss him, but who ever thought good bye could be so hard? You finally get the chance to do something you always wanted to do, and it's harder than it seems. That last hug, that first and last time you get to kiss him. All of that is hard. I want to kiss him, but the fact that it means good bye for not only a school year, but for possible YEARS just kills me. The kiss we both kinda want, the kiss we both kind of need to reassure our true feelings for eachother because at this point, feelings are EVERYWHERE; but it's just to know we're there for eachother. If we kiss, it might ruin our friendship. It will be awkward and i feel as though s.h.i.t. might happen all over again. I don't want to say good bye to him...ever. The fact he might be gone, kills me inside. He might stay, he might not, but waiting for the final say is absolute hell. He's my missing piece, my big brother, the only person who understands me. I will miss him and have been thinking about him all day. I wonder what's gonna happen...it's all up in the air. I worry for him, i honestly do. I wish the best, BOR ;-* iloveyou..stay strong♥

  8. Yuu_Only_Liive_Oncee Yuu_Only_Liive_Oncee
    posted a quote
    June 11, 2012 12:52pm UTC
    So, I'm in a tough situation. Three Guys I like, Three Guys I have a Chance with...MAYBE.
    Guy #1. I don't know where to start. We have just met recently, but I have heard about you a lot. Your really funny. on ooVoo, U told me I looked pretty and you wanted to be with me, physically there.♥. You asked me if i liked you but i was like a little bit, idk. You were all like ooooh icic. You wanted to be "Friends with benifets" which wasn't the worst idea. lmfaoo. I told you that you were amazing, and you told me i was talking to a mirror...i blushed ♥. Your personality is amazing and i feel happy when i see you, but somehthing just doesn't feel right...
    Guy #2. Umm...We have known eachother for about 3 years. We have just started talking, which makes me happy. You make me feel compfortable around you, and i am willing to be open and talk to you, but i don't want you to know i like you because our friendship is good so far. I wanna date you and come closer, but idk i get nervous. If someone could get us together, that would be fine. Someone is, but idk i cant explain it. It also doesn't feel right.
    Guy #3. IDK where to begin. We go back...farther then any other guy. Our lives, so much the same it's scary. You tell me you would go out with me, but i am not sure if that is the honest truth. You are truely the person i am the most open with. We are really close and i like you i guess. I have for ever and i think i always will. Like you said to me, No Matter what anyone says or even what i say, i will ALWAYS like you. I don't know what i can say about you. Your out of this world. Idk, you're amazing.
    All three guys are awesome, but i dont know what to do anymore

  9. Yuu_Only_Liive_Oncee Yuu_Only_Liive_Oncee
    posted a quote
    June 4, 2012 1:11pm UTC
    Hey I Just F*cked You
    And This is Craz
    But Here's My Number
    So Keep The Baby♥

  10. Yuu_Only_Liive_Oncee Yuu_Only_Liive_Oncee
    posted a quote
    May 31, 2012 10:59am UTC
    All About You...♥
    Age? 12
    Boyfriend/Girlfriend? no..
    Best Friend? Sarah Normington :) Ramon (:
    Mood? Sad :'(
    Crush; Mathew ♥
    Food? spaghetti; pizza
    Color?Lime green (:
    Candy? Snikers ♥
    Sneaker Brand? Nike; Osiris
    TV show? jersey shore; iCarly
    Animal? Monkey; Bunny
    Letter(s)? S M N
    Movie? Mall Cop; Titanic
    Hobby? Piano, Soccer, Dance
    Have You Ever....
    Dated One Of Your Best Friends: yess (:
    Broken the Law? lol yes
    Been Arrested? not yey ;P
    Been on TV? yesiree
    Walked Into A Sliding Glass Door: Yes.

  11. Yuu_Only_Liive_Oncee Yuu_Only_Liive_Oncee
    posted a quote
    May 30, 2012 9:17am UTC
    I am sick and tired of everyone nagging me about MY personal life. Everyday, "omg can u just tell me who you like?" or "omg what's up with you liking ____?" like no. You all have your crushes and i have mine..is that such a big a deal?
    Now i have decided to come clean..i bet a lot of you are gonna be mad or upset with me that i like him, but you dont understand why. Well H I S♥ name would be Mathew...Mathew. I get goose bumps when i hear his name, and i even blush a little. we have known eachother for about 3 years now, but we finally started talking. I feel comfortable...like i can be myself around him. He brings life to my days and energy to my life. He is an infatuation? yes. His eyes, OMFG .. an addiction...they are the most amazing things ever. I cant even explain how beautiful they are...the way he acts around me, the way he talks, the way he flirts...the way we talk. Idk if he likes me or what ever, but i do not care..i like him and nothing is gonna change that. He is really funny and brightens up my day like you cant believe. My friend Ramon suggested that we go out, and someone else thought we would be cute..i didnt think highly of him untill that comment, so idk thanks? lol well yeah. maybe you all understand. thanks if you read all of this, i love you.

  12. Yuu_Only_Liive_Oncee Yuu_Only_Liive_Oncee
    posted a quote
    May 29, 2012 12:36pm UTC
    The Basics:
    Name: Stephanie
    Age: almost 13
    Love Life:
    Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: nope..but hopefully will soon
    Do you like someone?: YES.♥(:
    Does anyone like you?: yesiree J
    Hugged anyone in the past week? Ohh yeahh
    Who are your best friends?: Sarah. N. J
    Where did you meet them?: School
    Did you lose any friends this year?: Yep..
    Gain any?: Yes (:
    Did you hang out with any friends in the past week? YuppJ
    Did you go on vacation?: schools almost over..so yeah.i will
    Did you hang out on the beach with friends?: I will (:
    How long was your summer break?: it will be about 2 months J
    Did you get a tan?: I try..but it’s more like a burn lol
    Did you have a boyfriend/girlfriend during the summer?: maybe…idk me and H I M have been talking for a while…so hopefully J
    Did you go trick or treating?: yeaa
    If so, who did you go with?: Brittney and Tori
    Was it fun?: YES! we ran around the streets :)
    Who did you spend it with?: Family.
    Did Santa come to your house?: lmfao of course.
    Did you stay up until midnight on Christmas Eve?: Who doesn't?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
    Your Birthday
    Who did you spend it with?: Friends
    What did you do?: hungout with friends and just chilled
    What did you get?: soccer balls, cloths, and much more J

  13. Yuu_Only_Liive_Oncee Yuu_Only_Liive_Oncee
    posted a quote
    May 29, 2012 12:34pm UTC
    The Basics:
    Name: Stephanie
    Age: almost 13
    Love Life:
    Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: nope..but hopefully will soon
    Do you like someone?: YES.♥(:
    Does anyone like you?: yesiree J
    Hugged anyone in the past week? Ohh yeahh
    Who are your best friends?: Sarah. N. J
    Where did you meet them?: School
    Did you lose any friends this year?: Yep..
    Gain any?: Yes (:
    Did you hang out with any friends in the past week? YuppJ
    Did you go on vacation?: schools almost over..so yeah.i will
    Did you hang out on the beach with friends?: I will (:
    How long was your summer break?: it will be about 2 months J
    Did you get a tan?: I try..but it’s more like a burn lol
    Did you have a boyfriend/girlfriend during the summer?: maybe…idk me and H I M have been talking for a while…so hopefully J
    Did you go trick or treating?: yeaa
    If so, who did you go with?: Brittney and Tori
    Was it fun?: YES! we ran around the streets :)
    Who did you spend it with?: Family.
    Did Santa come to your house?: lmfao of course.
    Did you stay up until midnight on Christmas Eve?: Who doesn't?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
    Your Birthday
    Who did you spend it with?: Friends
    What did you do?: hungout with friends and just chilled
    What did you get?: soccer balls, cloths, and much more J

  14. Yuu_Only_Liive_Oncee Yuu_Only_Liive_Oncee
    posted a quote
    May 29, 2012 10:23am UTC
    Nothing sucks more than that
    moment during an argument when
    you realize you’re wrong

  15. Yuu_Only_Liive_Oncee Yuu_Only_Liive_Oncee
    posted a quote
    May 29, 2012 10:09am UTC
    How do you get a sweet little 80-year-old lady to say the F word? Get another sweet little 80-year-old lady to yell ‘BINGO!

  16. Yuu_Only_Liive_Oncee Yuu_Only_Liive_Oncee
    posted a quote
    May 29, 2012 9:36am UTC
    FAVE IT ;)

  17. Yuu_Only_Liive_Oncee Yuu_Only_Liive_Oncee
    posted a quote
    May 29, 2012 9:35am UTC
    FAVE IT ;)

  18. Yuu_Only_Liive_Oncee Yuu_Only_Liive_Oncee
    posted a quote
    May 25, 2012 1:00pm UTC
    Would you like another glass of haterade with your b-tchflakes or some hoe wheat toast?

  19. Yuu_Only_Liive_Oncee Yuu_Only_Liive_Oncee
    posted a quote
    May 23, 2012 3:12pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  20. Yuu_Only_Liive_Oncee Yuu_Only_Liive_Oncee
    posted a quote
    May 23, 2012 3:07pm UTC
    click to see this quote


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