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Please read --v

I  am tired of this.

You always exclude me. All the time. Am I really that annoying?
Is there something wrong with me?
Do you know what it feels like to be excluded? Yes you do.
So why do you always do it to me if you know how crappy it feels?
It makes me feel like a worthless piece of sh*t, like you dont care if I am in your life.
I ALWAYS include you, and sometimes I go out of my way for you to feel good and included.
And to make it worse, YOU DONT HIDE IT!
You do not try to hide the fact that I was excluded while you had so much fun.
the next time i see you, you always have to brag about an inside joke you had or you have to share a funny story.
And sometimes, you show me pictures of you and my friends having so fun without me!
I am tired of you treating me like im just here to take up space.

I have feelings.


DO NOT ERASE THE FORMAT CREDIT© format by: br0kenwings

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Please read --v I am tired of this. You always exclude me. All

7 faves · 3 comments · May 17, 2012 4:11pm






Summer430 · 1 decade ago
i know how u feel
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AbercrombieAndBitchh · 1 decade ago
my "friend" does almost the same thing to me too.
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hotpeppergirl93 · 1 decade ago
Smile hunnn
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