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Quote #5609138

306 faves · 46 comments · Apr 28, 2012 11:23pm






brittrox1234 · 1 decade ago
I feell bad... but Who would you be and be like if you didnt have depresson ( or whatever you have) This creates you, and i promise that it will stop rainning. You arre loved and sometimes we just need to look at the bright side. Stay strong.
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Absolom · 1 decade ago
I'm so sorry babe, You are a beautiful, wonderful person who WILL get through this, dverything WILL be okay because no matter what anyone says, you are strong. I've never cried while reading a Witty quote before, but babe, you brought me to tears. I'm so sorry you have to go through this crap.

Stay Strong.
Witty loves you.
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kaiteelove · 1 decade ago
stay strong baby! you're beautiful! we are all here for you <3
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ThereIsAlwaysTomorrow · 1 decade ago
Sweetie, I'm so sorry that you have to go through this. I wish I could tell you I know how you feel. I can tell you this. Stay strong, hon. I'm sure you've heard this already, but they just want to help you. If you comply and help yourself, it'll all be over sooner. You're beautiful and you can get through this. <3
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littleli0nman · 1 decade ago
i'm sorry. i want to say i understand how you feel but i can't understand it to your level... if that makes sense. stay strong, you're amazing. ♥
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liveyourlife28 · 1 decade ago
I'm so sorry that you have to go through this. I bet you feel so alone. But you need to be strong, keep your head up, and smile. Please. We all love you here, hope you feel better. Stay strong, gorgeous.♥
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hanha039 · 1 decade ago
And a shutout to @KerryKate919
I like what you said, you seem like a good friend,
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hanha039 · 1 decade ago
I finsihed reading this and never felt sadder for anyone in my lifetime. I know what your going through. You feel alone, empty, and abandon. If you ever need someone to talk to, I will always be here. I know how to make people feel better, by using my own personal expiriences and using them to help. I feel terrible for you and by the way you reacted to this situation, I can tell you don't want to be in a mental hospital. I wouldn't either, even though I was close to going to a mental hospital once in my lifetime. I feel terrible that you have to miss all that stuff and ur friends get to do it. I wish I could be there for you, so I could be a shoulder for you to cry on if you need it.
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lovelifelikethis123 · 1 decade ago
you can do it hun <3 im here for you if you ever need anything. you can do it. who ever heard of the person who gave up...? <3
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toomey1234 · 1 decade ago
i know you dont want to hear this but see of you can find god. maybe he can help. pray to him when no on else will listen, pray to him when no one cares, pray to him when you want help without being looked at like a freak, pray to him. but if you dont want to that is fine i am just truing to tell you what worked for me. you can do this!! you are going to make it through all of this treatment. I KNOW YOU ARE STRONG ENOUGH!!
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KerryKate919 · 1 decade ago
What you're probably going through right now is probably the scariest thing of your life. You feel alone and empty, but don't ever forget that you're not. No matter how they make you feel, smile, because I KNOW you're strong enough. Don't let them know how bad they've hurt you. You're beautiful and loved. You have support from complete strangers, including myself. If you ever need anything, I am ALWAYS here to talk to, even if you don't know me. Everything is gonna go great because if you're HALF the girl I think you are, you're confident, strong, beautiful, and amazing. Don't let them take that away. <3
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cropacuddles22 · 1 decade ago
Stay strong, were here for you gorgeous. Don't worry about missing out, this is whats supposed to happen, God made it happen for the best trust me, it will all be ok :)
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runawayrachel10 · 1 decade ago
I was in one of those for a year, and trust me it's not bad. It can be actually kinda nice. But stay strong, it will get better:)
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iloveyoualot · 1 decade ago
HI i just wanted to say sorry but it gets better ive been trhough what your going through right now and it really does suck my eating disorder almost killed me. I was choking on my puke and if CPR would have failed i would have died thats the really scary part that eating disorders sort of have the snowball effect it started off by just puking once a week to threee times everyday but honestly your parents just want the best for you and you might not see it now because i didnt see it at the beggining either but your parents really do love you and so does everyone else whos making you go through all this stuff. I honestly know its not easy ive been through this and i know it seems easier to die because recovery for getting help is really hard but i gets better and you really just have to take it day by day and just try to remember all the best memories you really had if you have any questions or just wanna talk to someone whos been through it all you can talk to me if youi want i actually volutener at places to help raise awarness for bulima and anoerxica PS i really hated the shots they hurt really bad
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lyssaluuxox · 1 decade ago
Stay strong. In February, i was put in a mental hospital, but only for a few days. I tried to kill myself. They finally let me go home but I had to go to four hours of therapy a day for six weeks. It was the hardest six weeks of my life, but i got through it. and you'll get through this, I promise. stay strong, gorgeous.
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WhatAWonderfulLie · 1 decade ago
Stay strong! (;
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kylaz323 · 1 decade ago
This is almost exactly what happened to my friend......
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kelcienicole · 1 decade ago
this is soo heart breaking.. i hope everything works out for you. don't ever give up on anything! keep trying it sounds like you going through hell right now but at the end of this things will get better. and know that there only doing this because they love you and they dont want you to hurt yourself further. keep your head up i'm sure its extremly hard for you but just try your best to make the best out of this situation. i dont know you personally and you have no idea who i am but i seen this and honestly it made me tear up.
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Jazzygurl28 · 1 decade ago
I'm so sorry, stay strong! You can make it through this ♥
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Karkam · 1 decade ago
If you need to talk im here to listen to you vent :)
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