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(Especially Directioners)
Please read (: !

Yes, I get it . All of the One Direction members are hot individuals. They're all talented. But WHY do you feel the need to quote about them all the time? It's really annoying to some. When I go on Witty, all I see stuff about Niall, Liam, Zayn, Harry and Louis. It's kinda creepy. THIS IS NOT ONE DIRECTION PROFILES. It's Witty Profiles. All the insprirational quotes- GONE. And now there's a Anti 1D Day (April 30th). Everyone wants to get mad because that's limiting your freedom of speech. You can't just calm down for ONE day?! And today, someone put up a quote saying that May 1st is ID day. That's so unnecessary! All I'm saying that it's getting ridiculous.

Next Quote >

Dear EVERYONE (Especially Directioners) Please read (: ! Yes,

136 faves · 63 comments · Apr 22, 2012 7:14pm






justsayhi · 1 decade ago
Look, Witty is a place to express your opinions, your feelings, and your likes. Directioners like 1D so they'll post about it! What's wrong with that?! "May 1st is 1D day. That's so unnecessary!" is totally hypocritical of you, since anti 1D day is unnecessary as well. Witty is a place to go for freedom and expressing ourselves. Directioners are no different from you, they're on this site for something. Directioners post alot about 1D and that's ok. Why? Because they are true fans of them and YOU and many others CAN'T just say, "STOP POSTING ABOUT ONE DIRECTION!" It's like telling you "STOP POSTING YOUR VENTS!" or "STOP POSTING QUOTES!" Directioners don't tell you to do that, do they? they just want to post about freaking 1D. is it so hard to just scroll past it if you don't care? And lately people are saying 1D has dominated the top quotes but I only see a few ones here and there. You guys are acting like it's a huge pest problem. When is being on the top quotes all of a sudden determining what's "dominating" Witty? Don't you say it's not the fav's, it's what it says? You guys need to chill and look at what you're saying. Directioners are just like you. Maybe posting about 1D is how they vent. You don't know their story. kthxbai
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NeumNeum97 · 1 decade ago
I honestly think we should drop the whole subject and ignore ppl and stop judging and getting worked up about it (this is speaking 4 both sides js)
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NeumNeum97 · 1 decade ago
I don't mean to be a b---- or anything but I've only seen like 1 to 3 posts about them per page, js.
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DareeToDreamm · 1 decade ago
I KNOW RIGHT!!! Thank you for this. I love One Direction, don't get me wrong, but they're so freaking overrated. I mean, every single second I see a stupid 1D quote. People just need to calm down about this, they're good and all, but seriously? The 1D quotes are EVERYWHERE. This used to be a site for people who liked to share their thoughts and feelings and not have to feel alone. But this whole 1D has taken over Witty thing has gone to far. May 1st is your day? Wooow. Last time I checked, EVERYDAY is 1D day. This is ruining Witty for a lot of people. Congrats.
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izzyrox226 · 1 decade ago
FREEDOM OF SPEECH (for both sides)
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StarMoonSun87 · 1 decade ago
Jesus people that are hating on this quote calmmm downnn. She was expressing her opinion. We all do that. K? lol
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xxkeepthebitchescomingxx · 1 decade ago
"May 1st is 1D day. That's so unnecessary!" and having an anti one direction day isn't unnecessary?! witty is a place for us to post WHATEVER WE WANT. and if we want to post about one direction, let us. it's not breaking any rules so just freaking let us! you don't like the quote, don't fave it, don't read it, just scroll right on by.
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bella5296 · 1 decade ago
you know why they can't? Because they are immature, selfish, drama queens who don't care about this site nor what it's about and who have no feelings for anybody else on here. I completely 100% agree with you. All of this 1D stuff has completely taken over witty and its not even the same anymore. And its not violating your freedom of speech when all your doing is copy and pasting things they have said from tumblr/google. I'm obsessed, like legit OBSESSED with Taylor Swift. But do i make a bajillion quotes about her? no. Because i have respect for witty, and its members and i know that if i did that somebody would be annoyed really badly and i don't want anybody to feel that way, especially when witty is a place for use to feel HAPPY and good about OURSELVES. not one direction. One day would totally NOT kill them. But they're such selfish people ( i know i'm preaching to the choir right now, sorry don't get offended) who really only care about themselves. And may 1st is 1D day? Whoever put that, EVERYDAY is 1D day on this site. It is flipping RIDUNKULOUS.
can somebody create a time machine and beam us back to the "old witty" days?

-well that's my two-cents in the argument. Aint tryin to make anybody mad. If you do get mad, hey guess what? I'm practicing my freedom of speech, just like you say you are with this 1D crap..

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dreamlandfugitive · 1 decade ago
i find it ironic,
that half the 1D quotes are inspirational quotes from the band members...
there still iss inspiration, just not as much and in different form
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elleisabeast · 1 decade ago
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blondehairshedontcare · 1 decade ago
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mchllschleich · 1 decade ago
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marissamm · 1 decade ago
I AGREE WITH THIS. Like holy poop, it's only a band. Calm your and get over it. The closest you'll ever get to One Direction is drooling over their pictures on your ipod screen. SIT.
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xxcorinne95xx · 1 decade ago
I agree with you,its getting out of hand.And people are leaving since witty has changed but I wont leave till I have been on here for more than a year(july 11th)but I remember coming on here looking for funny and inspirational quotes and no offensive to anyone but I see the same quotes over and over again or 1D quotes.Now I like 1D but common.And honestly I dont care if I get hate from this comment but everyone needs to hear us out.All the quotes are awful now and I dread coming on here some days.@shainaluvturtles its one direction day everyday,i think you can go one day without posting quotes about them.And we are just trying to make a point...
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Lexi_Is_A_Boss · 1 decade ago
Its One Direction Day everyday -___-
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_Pink23_ · 1 decade ago
put your one direction quotes far away from here ....
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dancergrl101 · 1 decade ago
There haven't been as many quotes about them lately...
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Shainaluvturtles · 1 decade ago
oh, so you can have a no one direction day, but we can't have a one direction day? wow. that kinda pathetic. steve made the celeb of the moment category for a reason.. you're doing the same by making a quote about it too. witty is a place to share our opinions and if our opinion is about one direction, we should be able to express it without being shot down. i also agree with hockeyprincess11's opinion.
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hockeyprincess11 · 1 decade ago
No What's ridiculous if you going to make a quote about how much you hate one direction. You are doing the exact same thing but saying how you hate one direction instead of love. Sorry but you can't stop people from expressing what they love. To a lot of people, One Direction saved their lives. Would you rather someone kill themselves because you made them feel bad about who they like because society "doesn't agree" with it?
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thinkpink3 · 1 decade ago
i love you(: i mean, don't get me wrong! i love one direction but i'm tired of seeing the same crap EVERY SINGLE DAY. i mean, come on! get a hold of yourself and just hold off for ONE day. and what about the girls who don't like one direction? just like some of the directioners are sick of the hunger games and stuff, those people may not like one direction! so, cool off. seriously. and also, it's causing girls to leave. so, cool the off and stop. MY GOD.
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