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its a year,tommorow,well in two hours.a year, can you believe it?a year since we all walked into school and found out you,the soccer star, loved by everyone i knew, was gone, forever.a year since we cried and hugged the strangers of our school.a year since goshen church filled with over 700 people mourning you.a year since i talked to your brother for the first time in years.i say this every single time.but it broke my heart to watch us all fall apart.your mom,your dad,bobby.it broke me in half.we all tried our best to help but there wasn't much we could really do...it was done.it couldn't be taken back by any of us.
so many people have tried since you mike in the last week alone 3 have.one died.the other i saved.and the other just woke up from a coma..and you taught me it really is as easy as 1,2,3. and if i wanted to help someone it wouldn't matter if they really wanted to, i feel helpless now...almost hopeless.i want to be the savior but what if i can't.i don't think i'd be able to live with myself.
thank you mike for teaching me the outs of life.i hope that you are beyond happy wherever you are and whatever you're doing with that gorgeous smile of yours.we miss you.and we love you.
you are forever in our hearts<3.
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mike, its a year,tommorow,well in two hours.a year, can you believe

4 faves · 3 comments · Apr 13, 2012 10:45pm






strawberrisheri · 1 decade ago
hi guys.it's been awhile since i've been on here...and thank you for the favorites and comments.lifes beautiful always remember that<3
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fulloffun101 · 1 decade ago

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pinklemon2017 · 1 decade ago
This is so sad, I'm sorry you lost someone.
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