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Things Get Worse Over Time

Chapter 2

We ran down the plain blue walls, heading for the front doors of our school,
We know what has to be done, and as much as we dont want it to be done, it will be done.
I blame myself for this, Atrayu tells me that i shouldnt even blame my self, he doesnt blame himself.
He blames the Superior, he blames them for how they changed everything, changed the people, the Patrons.
He tells me that we dont desreve it, none of us do.
But i know it is my fault, i did what i did, so i blame myself for actions, going against policy regualtions.
"Stella, Stop thinking about it" he says as we turn the hall.
"Come on Atrayu, you cannot tell me your not thinking about it!? Your Mother is most likely Dead!" I say this, and a second later i regret what i said.
He just laughs it off " Your funny. You know me too well. My life would be better without her anyways, especially on top of the Superiours, i have one less thing to worry about if she is dead" he says as we arrive to the front glass, automatic, beige doors.
We go to the dial key-pad, he types in his secret code for the both of us to go through.
Inorder get past the security of the annoying blue lights flashing, with the screeching sound we have to hack into the system in order to get the doors open.
I always think about how advanced our life and our sytems are, and the Administration cant even think about putting a device for hackers, let alone cameras watching the door way,but they have them every where else in Central Point. 
This Administration is so unitelligant, it is weird to know that we are so organized, under their watch.
We step out, of course no breeze, and we do our normal routine for when we ditch. Look left, right and straight ahead looking for any Servelliance or Prosecuter Guard blue, lifted transportation.
We dont see any to get caught, and we follow the steps we do inorder to be in the blind spots of the cameras located all around Central Point. 
We run, slotching to stay out of view as much as possible.
I look back at my School, The blue sills, and beige surface, knowing it will be my last time attending there, i am not upset.
I look ahead at my cousin, his buff body running gracefully along the gray cement floor. I am never able to know what he is thinking, but he can always tell what i am thinking about.
I would have to say the only thing i like about our school is the apperances we have to wear. 
It depends on the Year, and whether or not your female or a male.
Because i am Just starting my High school year, ia m known as a Ameture, and atrayu is in his last year of high school, going off to a job he chooses, but must following ing the categorys given to him, he is known as Graduate. So Our apperances are completely different.
Mine is a short checkered blue skirt, knee high beige socks, with white sneakers. and a vest with a button down shirt underneath with the collar sticking out to see the light blue. On the vest, around the left breast it says " The Stable Well-Beings" that what our Territory it knows as and is knowns for.
As for Atrayu's apperance, He has black sneakers with beige pants, and a plain light blue button down, with a beige tie. His "Stable Well-Beings" logo is located on his right breast, and also his left shoulder.
I noticed that The older you are in school years, the more plain you become, and the colors seem to faid to a more blue-gray then the vibrant blues i had in Starting years, and Middle years.
We make it to the abandon steal, blue gate. 
Atrayu types in the code, and the vibrant green light that states " Accesses" appears, we both look back to make sure we fine to go, and we run.
We run looking back every chance we can, until we get to our hidden trail.
We make it after about a good ten minutes of running, we look again before entering the tall grass, and we know we are safe, we remove the tree leaves that we have as a door way to make sure the trail is not found, because if we were caught, we would never see daylight again.
We arent to access out of the Boudries of our specific location unless told otherwise,
Because there are "Rroamers" as they call them, that arent given a specific locations and are erased of their memmories, and set free into the open, to well, roam. They are supposably dangerous to come in contact with. So they try and keep us safe by locking inside hell.
we walk down the trail, with th grass as talk ourselves and make our way to the red bench we sit at almost every day.
We sit across from eachother ready to plan,
and after that hope that our plan works, and after that, who knows

Heyy Guys!!! well it is long i know! Sorry, but i wanted get some more info out there (: But if you guys have any advice, i open for all of it, that would be great!! and i kinda want a new Title so any suggstions? that would be awesome! and if there is any questions feel free to ask (:! Love you guys!! 

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Things Get Worse Over Time Chapter 2 We ran down the plain blue

5 faves · Mar 30, 2012 1:20am






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