Witty Profiles

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By: vultersreject
Chapter 1

Darkened Dreams

As I stepped into the hallway on Monday morning, the first things my eyes passed where the posters. Whether they were on the floor or coating the wall you could clearly see the big letters spelling out “PROM NIGHT! Friday Night at 8:00”. If a normal person were to stop and glance at he hall, it would appear to them that a bomb had exploded in someones locker, and the radiation was making everyone crazy. But really, they were just crazy, innocent teenage prom goers. The romance throughout the hall were astonishing. I watched as a big jock put his hand around a young Burnett cheerleader’s waist, and sweep her up into his arms as they pressed their foreheads together. Another couple just simply made out behind the cover of a locker. I brushed my black bangs from my eyes, took a deep breath and emerged into the crowd. A foot stuck out from the mess to trip me which I casually avoided.

“Hey skeleton face!” a girl from the crowd called from the crowd, “Wipe that make that makeup off your face you look like a mime on dru...” but before she was finished, to hands caught her around her wait and pulled her into a kiss.

I kept walking and squeezing through the waves of frantic teenagers and spotted a girl, a delicate girl dressed all in black with a silky black shirt that draped lightly over her shoulders and her black skinny jeans. She looked beautiful as she brushed her black curly hair over her shoulders. I straightened my dark v neck, and checked my hair in the reflection of my phone. She says I don’t have to worry about my appearance, but I would do anything to look my best for her. I walked over to her, as she looked up at me. I tried to come in strong, so I said “Whats black and white, and dripping red.” She smiled and simply answered, “Us as vampires.” she leaned forward, and pressed her lips against mine, for had always been one of our favorite jokes. As she pulled away, I opened my eyes and saw my day lightened, by another one of her beautiful smiles. Her name was Priscilla, the most beautiful name I had ever heard. “Will you go to..” I started asking, but she finished my sentence by saying, “To the prom with you?” she looked up and ran her finger around the black eye liner I had ran around my eyes. “Of course.” And I pulled her in for a kiss. I tryed to do the sweeping thing that the  others were doing, but I slipped and I landed on the floor and her in my lap. She glanced at me, first with a look of fear in her eyes, and then we started laughing.

Later, at break, she caught me and dragged me to behind the cafeteria, and for once in my life, everything was perfect. We sat and laughed and kissed. Nobody came back, no stupid jocks to make fun of us, just bliss, heaven. After a while as I pulled away, I noticed she was shivering, its was a very cold day, and my hands were already numb. I took my black fluffy jacket and draped it over her shoulders. She smiled, and ran her fingers down my face. Her massacre started to run, as tears were running slowly down her cheeks. I whipped her tears away and pulled her in, but a voice ran out high in the sky, “Priscilla?” That was her father, “Priscilla come here, NOW!”. “Run around the corner,” she said in a whisper, “I’ll see you later.” she let go of my head and stood and ushered me around. From around the corner I could here her dad going nuts. “Why are you back here? Are you allowed back here? Never mind that! Did the teachers warn you all about whats happened? God you had me worried sick!”

Little Did I know, this was the last I would hear from Priscilla for a while.
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BLACK PROM By: vultersreject Chapter 1 Darkened Dreams As I stepped

3 faves · Mar 1, 2012 10:33pm






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