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What's teenage love ?      
It's staying up late for eachother & barely staying  awake in class the next day . It's passing eachother between classes & stopping to say Hi,But end up running to your next class right before the bell rings . It's going to the mall,Wandering around hand in hand, With a silence that's comfortable  . It's watching a movie in the theaters  with his arm slowly creeping onto your shoulders, & you Resting your head in his arms . It's walking around at night, For no reason at all; His chest , her head , Looking at the stars . It's uncertainty of how long it will last , A risk your both willing to take , Even if it means you'll have a broken heart  , It's not yet true love .  Not like , Its teenage love , Here to stay Here to play with are hearts . & Never go away 

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What's teenage love ? It's staying up late for eachother &

11 faves · Feb 11, 2012 4:49pm






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