Conversation with my best guy friend. We both like each other:
Him: "What's up?"
Me: "Nothing much. Sort of thinking."
Him: "What are you thinking about? You don't have to tell me."
Me: "Not much. Just how people always think we're dating."
Him: "What about it?"
Me: "Well, in all honesty, do you think we're ever going to?
It's ok if you say no, I'm curious about what your thoughts on it are."
Him: "Honestly, I think we will. I am the guy so I'd be the one asking you out.
There's just some fear though."
Me: "Fear of what? Like getting hurt?"
Him: "No. Fear of losing you. Dating could help our friendship or it could mess things up.
Fear of messing up. I think I know what to do to date, but there's small stuff and people don't do this that I know of, but do I ask your dad before I ask you? Stuff like that."
Me: "I'll be honest, losing you scares the heck out of me. But, that being said, everyone's going to mess up in dating as well as in life. There's not exactly a road map that says exactly what to do and when. And with the dad thing, although I'm not sure how common it is anymore, it's up to you. It's personal preference."
Him: "I hope we do. You're so great. You don't really meet girls who are beautiful on the inside and on the outside."
Me: "You're pretty darn amazing yourself. Anyone would be lucky to have you."