Witty Profiles

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What's the weirdest thing under your bed?
 Banana peel... i used the banana for my hair. jk! I dont have a clue... condom maybe?

Do you cut out coupons?

What should you be doing?

What's your favorite smell?

Describe your life in one word.

 When was the last time you cried?
 I;m a man, men don't cry! jk yesterday when Connor kicked me in the balls

Ever had a near death experience?

Who was your last text from?

What is your prized possesion?
 My necklace my mum gave me before she died
Have you ever cheated on a test or exam?
of course

What was the last thing you said that you wished you didn't say?

Who was the last person you thought about?
My mum, Kendall, Lexi, Connor, Amberly
 Who did you take your last picture with?
 Just me, ;cos i'm a loner
When was the last time you wrote on the cement with chalk?
 Last summer
What are you dreading right now?
 The fact she wont like me, for who i am..
Do you own a pair of converse?
 Yup, several!
What noise do you hear?
 My keyboard, eminem, and Connor...

Do you know someone with the same name as you?
3 people...
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What's the weirdest thing under your bed? Banana peel...

2 faves · 1 comments · Feb 7, 2012 2:40pm






gray22 · 1 decade ago
lmfao he kicked u in the balls... no ofense but its funny ;)
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