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Sisters? I need this thing called help.
Please Read.
So there's this boy, lets call him Dog... So recently at a assembley Dog told his friends he liked me. And a little later that day people were asking me "Has Dog asked you out??" and crap like that. Then the next day I found out he only likes me for my body. I was horrified. After I got back from school I got a text from a boy I used to like it said "Don't listen to Dog, hes a d*uche, He told me he was going to make you fall in love with him so when he asks you out you'll say yes. I told him you were a sweet, perfect girl and you don't deserve to be used like that. " I felt so warm and fuzzy after reading that. Then the boy I used to like "Cat" told me he liked me. And believe it or not my best guy friend Hampster from second grade told me he liked me ever since then. Finally today Dog went around telling everyone my best friends Carlie took her shirt off to get him to kiss her (his friend told me he wanted to get me jealous).

I have no idea what to do.. help?
Thank you for reading this you are beautiful and I love you.


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Sisters? I need this thing called help. Please Read. So there's

0 faves · Feb 2, 2012 6:16pm




