Witty Profiles

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chapter eight


   “I can’t believe your back, sweetheart,” Evangeline cried over her distraught daughter. “I’ve missed you so much!” she hugged her ever-so-tightly. “Mom – can’t – breathe,” Desiray whined and Evangeline laughed. “Sorry baby, you’ve been gone for so long.” She sobbed. “I’m alright now,” “Yes now. What that man did to you . . . he should be locked up for years. Life, even.”
“Mom, he’s going to the Courtroom. He’ll obviously plead not guilty;  they always do. But hopefully, it’ll be the last I ever saw or heard about him.” “Yes honey, sorry for bringing it up again.” “I’ll go cook some pasta,” Evangeline offered. Desiray had been home for at least a week three days now. Back in the safe arms of her family.
Alfie would be locked up forever, she knew it. There’d been proof that he took Desiray. Her DNA, her hair and spit: even vomit found in the basement, no, ‘dungeon’ of Alfie’s house. And he old clothing had fibres of Desirays skin on, and the floor held skin Desiray had shed.
All Desiray could think of was . . . was home. She was home. She chuckled to herself. How did I ever escape? Ariana, Kyla, Katelyn, Brianne, Danielle, Sara, and Taylor we’re coming to Desiray’s house for a sleepover sort of thing. And Jayden and his friends. Evangeline and Alfie we’re going to town for the night Desiray didn’t know her mother was seeing Alfie tonight though, she was completely oblivious to it. Evangeline told Desiray her and a good ‘friend’ we’re having a meal in town.. Alfie hadn't been arrested yet, he hadn't been found of his where-abouts.
Evangeline didn’t want Desiray to be alone, so she said she could invite a few friends ‘round.

But that few turned into 11 people. There was enough rooms. Desiray and Jayden would be taking her room, Ariana and Kyla on the floor of one of the guest bedrooms while Katelyn and her boyfriend Dustin in the bed. Danielle and Brianne in the other guest bedroom, while Sara and Matthew took the floor, and then Taylor and Marc in the other guest bedroom. Which also left one bedroom left just in case someone wanted to be on their own, or wanted some space.


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Running chapter eight "Clubs#1" “I can’t

0 faves · Feb 1, 2012 1:30pm




