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One More Chance

Chapter 14:
I hold my breath, clutching my phone tightly.
This answer is crucial to my life, my love, my everything.
"Is this some kind of sick joke?" Skylar sneers unsympatheticlly.
I start crying now, heavy sobs filling into the muffled reciever.
Skylar's tone of voice changes.
"Linny, what's wrong?"
I continue crying, forcing myself to breath.
" I need to get out of here." I cry loudly.
"Please." I beg.
"Please just help me."
"Okay, okay." She answers.
"Just for a while though."
"Yes!" I reasurred her.
"Yes, I just need to get my head wrapped around a few things."
The line goes dead, and I pack my bags and leave, not bothering to say goodbye to Mom or Mohony.
When I get to Skylar's house, she opens the door and lets me inside with a welcomeing gesture.
We go up to her room and I put my bags on the floor, practically collapsing from the impact.
"Linda." She speaks, closing the door.
"Yes?" I ask casually.
She pauses, biting the edge of her lip.
"I'm sorry."
I stare back at her, not sure of what to say.
I stand still for a minute, taking in everything.
"Why did you do all of that stuff to me?" I finally ask.
"It wasn't your fault." She answers.
"I was...jealous of you."
"Jealous?" I ask.
"Of me?!?"
How could she possibly be jealous of me?
She is gorgeous beyond compare, and lives in a mansion as an only child.
No siblings to bug her.
Or ruin her whole entire life before her very eyes.
"My parent's have been gone." She says.
"What?" I ask, a little confused.
"They went on vacation in the Bahamas." She whispers.
"And they never came back."
"Skylar!" I respond quickly.
"You need to tell somebody, you can't live here alone!"
"Oh, I don't." She retorts.
"My parents send people to look after me." 
She dosen't cry, just looks at me sadly, almost like a lost puppy dog.
I forget everything horrible that she's done to me these past years.
I just need to focus on helping her.
"They just abandoned me." She says, slowly sitting on the edge of her bed.
"They never call me, or talk to me. They don't even love me."
I walk to sit beside her, hugging her tightly.
"I love them so much." she whines into my shoulder.
" So much that it hurts."
"I know." I say.
"I understand. That's why I had to leave. I love this boy, but my Mom won't let us be together, so I had to leave."
She stares at me now, her emerald green eyes blazing.
"Will you come back into my life?" she asks.
"Skylar. I never left in the first place."
Sorry, Short chapter! Thanks for reading! Fave and follow if you want


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One More Chance Chapter 14: I hold my breath, clutching my phone

6 faves · 1 comments · Jan 25, 2012 8:25pm






Rubie117 · 1 decade ago
Really good so far :) looking forward to reading more soon! :)
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