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Chapter 2:

"I can't sleep, Jamie." Leela said to her sister, who was hiding in the corner of their small basement 'room'. "Me either," She whispered. "But I don't want to. What if they come down here and kill us while we're sleeping or something? I don't want to take any chances." She moved closer to Leela and whispered in her ear "I think we should find a way out of here." Leela moved away. "No," She began to say but something interrupted her. A door.

"Girls," said the old women, carrying something down with her. In the lighting-as horrible as it was- Leela could make out a sharp object in one hand and something else around her neck. "I have something for you." She chanted over and over. The girls looked at one another and hid beneath a old raggady cloth. "Girls..?" She said again, obviously looking around for them.

Then she began to get angrier. "Come out, or something even worse will happen to the both of ya'" She yelled. Jamie grabbed Leela's hand to keep her from shaking even more. "NOW!" The women yelled, tossing things, and pushing things over. Leela nodded, saying that they should stay. "How did you-" Jamie began. Leela knew exactly what she was about to ask: 'Should we stay hidden in here?' Leela could see the thing around the womens' neck now; chains. "No," She whispered. She knew that one would be stabbed, and the other hung.

The old women was closer to them now, knocking everything she could over looking for them, and not having much luck with it. She was right beside them now, at an old grandfather clock, still it was ticking even when she knocked it to the ground and it had mad a thud noise. "D'ugh!" She was yelling now, and they could hear the old man yell down to her: "Find 'em yet?" She was now at their cloth, and she was laughing. "Yes, Marty, I have." Her chuckling was unbearrable to Leela and she ran right out. Flying directly under the women. "You!" She said, turning and flying toward her.

Leela dodged her hit and ran to the stairs; 'Marty' was standing there. "Ah, no I don't think ya'll be escapin' from here." He said, then smiled an evil, nasty smile. "NO!" Leela screamed as the women pounced onto her back and threw her to the ground. "Help me Jamie!" She wanted to yell, but didn't want them to do anything to her sister. The old women pulled her up and bashed her head against the wall. "You best be stayin' there if ya' know what's good for ya'," She was saying. She took the chains off her neck and put one carefully around Leela's throat.

"Now, now, Berta." The man was saying. "Maybe we can offer a trade; I like her sister better than her, so maybe we can get her sister to come out an they'll trade places for the punishment." The women grinned and agreed, "Yes, Marty. Come on out now Jeshie." She said. "Her.... name's..... Jamie..." Leela was coughing from the chains but managed to say that.

"Jeshie'll be just fine." Jamie said, standing now, and looking straight at them. "No..... Jamie...." Leela coughed again. "Stop it now, Leela; you've done so much for me, and I deserve this more than you do, so lets go. Now." She was saying, confidently. "Ah, the little Jeshie has agreed, Berta." The man said, walking towards Jamie and grabbing her arm.

"You can't be seeing 'dis lil' one." The women said, leading Jamie and Marty upstairs. "We'll do it in the bathroom." She grinned again, and in an instant the door was closed and Leela was still in chains.

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Stolen Chapter 2: "I can't sleep, Jamie." Leela

2 faves · Jan 21, 2012 7:36pm






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