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Advice # 1
Question:My bff might go to jail... she is transfering.. and im so sad that i wanna cut... and advice for that??

Well, if you don't mind me asking, what did she do? I mean, if it was bad, as horrible as this sounds, maybe she should go. If it was so bad that she has to, then maybe she needs time to think. Cutting isn't the answer. I know everyone goes through things with friends whether it's this or that or whatever. Cutting would make it worse. I understand that it's hard, and I  understand that it's hard to resist but you shouldn't do that. Talk to someone? Me, counsouler(Spelled wrong, sorry!), parent, trusted adult, friend, anyone that you can trust. I hope this helped! I really do!♥

With all my sympathy and help,
Kathleen (:

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Advice # 1 Question:My bff might go to jail... she is transfering..

0 faves · Jan 16, 2012 8:32pm




