Witty Profiles

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Chapter 1:

The day after Jamie and Leela found out their dad had cheated on their mom they were devestated. They sat on the porch the whole night, and all morning. They didn't understand; their parents had such an amazing relationship, why would he do that? But the answers didn't come.

While Jamie was explaining something to Leela a car pulled up. It was tanish and rusting. Inside were two old people. One a women, and the other a man. They looked like they were angery, but didn't do anything that would for sure say they were mad.

Leela began to stand when they stepped out of their car. Leela pulled Jamie up and held her hand. "Hello girls, are your parents' home?" The old women asked. Leela stepped forward and said "No, sorry. Can I take a message?" The women smiled, and signaled the man. He walked back to the car and pulled out a rope. "No," she smiled bigger, "but we can take you." Leela stepped back and the old man lurched forward grabbing Jamie and Leela with one arm. "LET US GO." Leela said, trying to be nice, yet sturn.

"No, honey." the old man said, putting ropes around the two and tightening them so they couldn't move. "Eh." The old women snapped. "What?" The man said. "They'll do, but-" she was interupted by a police siren. "DID YOU CALL THE COPS!?!?" She yelled. Jamie smiled. The old man took something out of his pocket; a knife. He held it against Jamie's throat, and pushed her and Leela into the car. Then he and the old women sat in the front, started the car, and drove off.

Their car spelled weird. It didn't smell like a car should. It smelled of rotten eggs and rotten meat. Or in other words; death. "Where are you taking us?" Jamie asked the old women when she turned around to look at them. She frowned. "Our home, darling. You see, our children left us, and told us to find new children,  so we did. And you two are those children." She said this so calmly that Leela coughed at her fakeness. "Does somebody have a cold?" The man asked. Leela smirked, "No, I have a problem." She whispered. The man frowned in the mirror.

"You two'll get use to it here, I promise." The women smiled, and then turned around. Leela looked at Jamie with wide eyes. She knew she couldn't say anything. But she knew Jamie could read her facial expressions. So, she tried it. Jamie got it perfectly. She agreed with another face and then on they went.

When they turned onto a street neither Jamie or Leela knew, the old women was whispering something to the man. He nodded and then pulled over to the side. "So, you are going to be staying with us for a long, long, time. We expect you to follow the rules. NO running away; if that were to happen, the consequences will be unbearable, understand? And-" He was going on, and on. They really didn't care, considering that they were going to find a way out of this place. "Kids, what he's saying is that we want you to behaive. Is that too much to ask for?" She replied, smiling.

Jamie could tell she was really an evil person: stealing someone's kids, keeping them for her own. Totally not evil. She knew that they were. She could see Leela knew, too. "Can we go to bed when we 'home'?" Leela asked, being a polite as she could. The man had a confused look on his face, then finally; "We are home. Feel free. I'll unlock the door."

They got out, and walked to the front door. The man patted them on the back. He opened the door with a key and shoved the two inside, then he untied to ropes and told them their room was in the basement.

**Review at all? Thanks. :D**

Next Quote >

Stolen Chapter 1: The day after Jamie and Leela found out their

0 faves · 3 comments · Jan 12, 2012 5:28pm






Daazz007 · 1 decade ago
No, but you said that she "tried to be polite as she could" - in a situation like that, you are not polite; you want to get home. You could even added something like "but in her head, she was terrified" or something like that. No need to get mad, you asked for a review, and that's what you got. Would you rather I lied and told you it was amazing, or told you the truth so you could improve on it next time?
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NotebookStories · 1 decade ago
No, actually. If someone had a knife to your throat and had your sister whom you loved dearly would you try to run? Considering that you and your sister can both be killed, hurt, worse? I don't think you would. -.-
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Daazz007 · 1 decade ago
Good grammar and spelling (only one spelling mistake), but maybe you should've taken more time to describe the girls' feelings. Think about this realistically; you've just been kidnapped, do you agree with the kidnapper says, act calm and be polite? No, you fight and try to get away. Think about it.
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