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i have really, really bad anxiety.

i'm not even sure why.

my mom thinks im just a nervous person, and that is true..

but sometimes i get these wicked bad anxiety attacks for no reason.

or over something SO stupid.

like, if someone tells me i have to sit still...i start getting all anxious.

i shake really bad, and my heart feels like its beating 0293480294 times a second.

i feel like i cant breathe, or think straight.

its really scary, but i know how to calm myself down..it just takes a while.

i never tell anyone this, because im afraid they'll either think im crazy..or i'll find out something is really wrong with me.

i dont have depression, im a happy person and there isnt anything too wrong with my life (just the normal stuff, like a little drama and boys and stuff)

if ANYONE read this..i love you. and if you have this problem too,please talk to me. i wana know if im the only one.
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i have really, really bad anxiety. i'm not even sure why.

3 faves · 3 comments · Dec 31, 2011 2:29pm






SmileXoX · 1 decade ago
omg, ,thankyou guys for like actually reading this haha(: means a lot!xoxo
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rainrainstaywithme · 1 decade ago
i get anxiety attacks too, and panic attacks and stuff. well i am depressed and my life is pretty up but i know how you feel, all the same. :) x
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staystrong_xo · 1 decade ago
Breathing exercises help.
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