Pessimism For Beginners
Member Since:
4 Dec 2011 09:49am
Last Seen:
8 Aug 2016 05:57pm
June 13
Hastings, England
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I haven't been here for a while, so I'm sure as hell not going to make this pretty. I have no layout - although I used to change it every week. I have quite a few Quotes that got onto the Top Today page back when you needed at least five hundred hearts to make it into the top five pages. This website has gone downhill and it reminds me a lot of a graveyard with a lot of bodies that haven't been buried.
Nevertheless, I am here now, if only to go through my old page and write this biography.
So here we go.
I was born almost seventeen years ago, with injections of salt water into my veins and surgery of smiling at strangers following directly afterwards. I broke my first bone around the time I was seven, when I ran up some steps in the playground. My swimming exam was that evening and I started drowning in the pool - that's what made us go to hospital.
There is a fountain in my town in the middle of a road; we use it as a roundabout or a place to sit and watch fireworks - at least, we did until this year (2015) because they have now put a fence up around it when we have events, because otherwise, someone would throw dye or soap (or both) into the water and it would take a week to clean it all out.
My brother lives in Wales now, which means the back-water town of the lower East of England I live in feels a slight bit more bareable, with a lot more leg room. He is two years older than I am, although he looks two years younger, and we rarely get along. I remember that he tried drowning me once - but the lifeguard didn't notice, and my parents didn't believe me.
I love writing and breathing, as if they were one in the same. I like it when ink pours from veins, and punctation is writen in the bruises. I've always hoped to have that; that everytime I scrape my knee or fall out of bed, I'll find I pool of letters and fonts. But instead, I find blood. Which is far more disappointing.
I hope you're not hoping for anything when you look at my page, because all you'll find is a fourteen year old, stuck in time, in motion, in her mind, and really, I don't think that'll be helpful for anyone.