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Title: If you were here.

All i need is you,
To be by my side,
For you,
To hold me tight,
When it's so cold,
To be alone,
In this path.

I walk alone,
in the middle of the path,
You got me into,
I feel so broken hearted,
I feel so weak and useless.

All i want is you,
To tell me that it's ok,
To turn me to the right direction,
and help me fix my life,
and my heart.

I feel like i'm being
It's so hard to find my way,
through this puzzle,
You always say you love me,
but that don't mean a damn,
I tell you that i'm sorry,
But all you care about is another.

I know this is wrong,
And i know our love wasn't so strong,
But all i need is you,
to be here,
With me,
Holding me tight,
in this path,
Feels so cold,
To be alone.

- Fadi Polus
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Title: If you were here. All i need is you, To be by my side,

1 faves · Dec 25, 2011 12:18pm






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