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Friends Forever Short Story #1
Part 1
Rhi’s Point of View

“Hello Rhi!” said Julie.
“Hey Julie,” I answered.
“Here Rhi, this is for you,” Julie smiled and held out a plain black wrist band with ‘friend’ written on it. “I already have mine she said holding up an identical one with ‘best’ on it.
“Thank you!” I exclaimed as I stared in awe at the bracelet.
“You’re very welcome,” replied Julie. “Do you promise we keep these on forever?” Julie asked.
“I promise,” I vowed. We smiled at each other and waved as we made our way off to supper.
          Julie’s Point of View
“Mom, I’m 11, I can stay home by myself!” I stated. “Plus  I don’t want to go to Carmelo’s stupid baseball game.” My mom looked at me with all her seriousness and said “Fine. But don’t answer the door for anyone, even friends.”
          “Okay mom I promise! Now bye!” I said
“Fine I’m leaving, bye,” she said and she walked out the door.
          “Finally!”  I thought. “Alone at last!”  I ran to the phone and called up my friends. Anna, Ava, Joey, Alysa, Reese, Rosalie, Jenna, Jessi, and Kaya. I told them to come over. Everyone but Anna couldn’t go and Anna said maybe. Then I heard the door slam, I thought it was Anna, then I heard smashing and crashing and I thought “Maybe it’s a bear from across the street.” I walked over to my computer and logged on toFacebook and found Rhi in my chats. I typed in
Me: Hey Rhi.
Rhi: How’s it going?
Me: Worried. There’s something crashing around in my kitchen.
Rhi: Maybe you should check it out. Like peek around the kitchen door.
Me: Ok. Be right back.
I peeked around the corner and saw a man all dressed in black with a huge garbage bag rummaging through our stuff. I accidentally let out a small gasp and the man stopped. I ran over to my computer and typed this to Rhi.
The man ran in. All I heard was a booming “HEY!” from the man. The next thing I knew I was stuffed in the garbage bag squirming to get free. I screamed
          “HELP! HELP! HE___” he knocked me out.
(Further chat messages)
Rhi: Julie?! JULIE!!! I’M GETTING HELP!!!
Rhi’s Point of View
“Mom!” I screamed. “MOM COME QUICK!” I shrieked. My mom’s door smashed open.
“WHAT’S WRONG?!” she said loud and worried.
“Mom! It’s Julie! Look at the chat!” I told my mom.
My mom read the chat wide-eyed.
“Okay. I’ll call her mom on my cell phone, you, Rhi, call 911 and report the abduction on the home phone,” she ordered.
“Can do mom,” I said with tears in my eyes. It was just earlier that day she gave me the beautiful bracelet. I raced to the phone and dialed.
911: Hello? 911 speaking what’s your emergency?
“Hi. My friend was just recently captured from her home, if you could send the police over to check our chat and we’ll give them her address for investigation?”
911: Sure young lady. The police will be over shortly.
“Thank you!”  I exclaimed and I hung up. I fell to the ground and burst into tears.

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Friends Forever Short Story #1 Part 1 Rhi’s Point of View

0 faves · Dec 23, 2011 1:11pm




