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Not many people will read this but I have to vent. People ask me why I care about my hair and make-up. Why I care about how I look and fitting in. Why I need to wear these cloths to feel “pretty”. I say I don’t but I do. When I was younger I was never good enough. I didn’t have any friends; no one would talk to me. I was the weird kid who would play alone at recess. So when I moved in 4th grade it gave me a chance to be new. I tried and tried. I always have that feeling of rejection in my mind and that is why I care. Now I am in high school and again I am with new people who don’t know me. I always think back to the sad little kid by themselves on the swing when I consider the messy bun and sweats. I wish I didn’t care but I do and the sad little child in me is why. Kids can be mean and like a cut words can scar. That is why I care. If you are still reading this I love you thank you. I needed to get this off my chest.  
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Not many people will read this but I have to vent. People ask

4 faves · Dec 22, 2011 3:57pm






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