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Cassie Jenkins
Chapter Eight.
I turned to go out to the back door of Luca’s house because I saw that it was quiet. I saw a pickup truck and stood in front of it, gradually, resting on it. I had my arms folded; trying to warm them up since the cold breeze numbed my legs. I’d been standing out a few minutes when I heard a noise from the silence of just the wind blowing on my face. I turned to look at the door and saw Jake. “Just needed some air,” I lied. “It’s warm in there.” “Look Cassie,” Jake started. “It’s not that I didn’t want to kiss you. It’s that I just, didn’t want you thinking that I did it because I had to and not that I wanted to.” Jake was now standing right in front of me. “It’s alright; I’m not worrying about it. I’ve forgot about it,” I looked at the ground. “I know you haven’t Cassie,” He put a cold finger below my chin and moved my head up so my eyes were lined with his. I had a flashback to the first day when I first looked into his eyes. “I-Jay-I-,” I stuttered. His eyes became smaller as his face formed into a smile. It was like I was under a trance. His eyes became bigger as he came closer; I was still struggling to speak. His jeans touched my legs and his hands touched mines. I stopped trying to speak. I rested my head on his chest and he put his arms around me. I pulled out and looked up at him; he slowly pushed the hair that was hiding my eyes, away from my face. “You shouldn’t hide that beautiful face with make-up.” Jake smiled, still extremely close to me. I looked at the ground and smiled. He knows exactly what to say. “So do you forgive me?” “Yea,” I smiled. He took off his jacket and draped it over my shoulders. He sat up on the hood of the pick up beside me and we started talking like best friends again. I glanced over at the house full of people and saw Skye, she grinned at me as if to say ‘Told you so’. I smiled back and turned back to talking to Jake.

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Cassie Jenkins Chapter Eight. I turned to go out to the back

1 faves · Dec 1, 2011 12:28pm






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