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Cassie Jenkins
Chapter Four.
We started walking towards the library with our files in our arms. He held the library door open for me, I smiled and thanked him. We started off in a basic conversation, asking for a pen and asking if he had any brothers or sisters.
“Well I don’t have any brothers or sisters; but my mum’s best friend’s son, Tommy Oliver is eight and I’ve known him all his life. I duno if that’d count but, you won’t really wanna hear about that,” He looked up from his page and his eyes fixed on mine.
‘Wow’ I thought. His eyes were amazing. They were medium blue and sparkled in the lighting. ‘He is gorgeous’ I looked at is hair shifted every time he moved his head a slight bit. I was too busy examining his amazingness that I didn’t realise I was staring him right in the eyes. He smiled and giggled slightly. Jake sat back on his chair and looked at me blushing and forcing myself to laugh.
“Don’t worry...” He grinned. “Okay, what math do you have?” Jake asked, overlooking that I was staring at him.
“Algebra,” I sighed, trying to do the same.
“Me too,” He smiled.
Jake and I started out. I asked him for answers to certain questions and he did the same. We both started to get more comfortable with each other. After about an hour we were talking like best friends. I wasn’t worrying about saying something stupid; we’d just laugh about it. I looked down at my phone to see what time it was, 4: 56. I had two messages, one from mum and one from Skye.
Skye: How’s it going with Jake? ;) X
Me: Great, you could be right ;) x

I clicked out of it and went into the message from mum.
Mum: Cassie, Be home by half five okay? Text me or ring me back x
“I gotta be home by half five Jake, I gotta go.”
“No,” His face crumpled up with a sad expression.
“Gonna miss me that much?” I smiled.
He twisted his mouth around and looked up at me. “No...” He said, with a hint of a sarcastic tone in his voice.
“I am offended,” I put my hand to my chest and pretended to look shocked. We both laughed and with a smile I said, “Bye Jake, see ya later.” I threw my bag over my shoulder and gathered up my books against my chest.
“Wait,” He grabbed his books quickly and stood beside me. “I’m coming too.”
“What time do you have to be home at?”
“Whenever,” He said plainly as we started to walk out the library door.
“Why are you going now?” We walked down the hall.
“Wanna make sure you get home safe,” He smiled.
I smiled and breathed deeply, trying not to seem as excited and happy I really am.

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Cassie Jenkins Chapter Four. We started walking towards the library

2 faves · 1 comments · Nov 26, 2011 5:03am






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