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Cassie Jenkins
Chapter Three.
Skye and I walked on to class, talking over what could happen. She got a little carried away though.
“...Then you’ll run away together and get married and have three children. One would be called Skye of course,” She grinned up at me, but without waiting for a reply, kept talking. “...and then, you’ll grow old together and he’ll take you in his arms and...”
“Skye, we’re doing homework in the library after school! I don’t think all that could happen,” I laughed.
“Well yea, I suppose,” Her voice lessened. “But it could happen. In the future,” Her tone brightened up again.
“Oh Skye,” I giggled.
“That’s why you Love me though,” She did a stupidly big smile right up at my face.
“’Course,” I laughed.
We walked on into class together. That hour I spent checking the clock on the wall of the classroom, to see how long we have until home.
“Excited?” Skye whispered to me, the teacher’s voice bellowing in the back ground.
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“You’ve checked the clock every five minutes Cassie. I know you’re excited.”
“I’m not.”
“Is to, don’t lie. But heck, I’d be excited,” She winked.
“I-,” I got cut off.
“Miss Jenkins, what is the answer to the question I just asked?” Our teacher interrupted.
“Ah-Um...” Then the bell rang.
I gave a sigh of relief as the noise of chairs getting slid along the floor, people zipping up their bags and the loud outburst of voices filled the classroom. I quickly packed up and went to History, the last class of the day. Although history is my favourite subject, and Mr D. is my favourite teacher, I wanted this class to be over. I checked the clock; 20 minutes to go. I checked again, 10 minutes to go. Again, 5 minutes. Then one last time, three, two, one, RING, RING.
“Yes,” I said under my breath.
Everyone got up and another outburst of talking filled the classroom. Skye and I started walking out of the classroom. She was still talking about what could happen between Jake and me. Just as we got to the door, I was telling Skye that it was just doing homework in the library, that we wouldn’t have an epic love story that will end up us dying together in each other’s arms. I heard a voice come from behind me as I turned to go down the stairs.
“See ya later,” Skye said as she waved at me.
“Jake,” I smiled as I turned to face him.
“Was out of class early, just thought I’d meet you here,” He let out a small smile.
“Okay,” I smiled.

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Cassie Jenkins Chapter Three. Skye and I walked on to class,

5 faves · Nov 25, 2011 11:05am






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