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Cassie Jenkins
Chapter One.
I flung myself at the church doors as if they could still see me. But as they can’t, I went straight through them. Although my eyes were blurred with tears drowning my eyes, my hearing was not limited. I heard Jessica saying I do before I got up the stairs to the church. The minister had finished asking Jake, ‘the question’ and he just opened his mouth to answer when I burst in.
“Noooooo,” I screamed, tears falling into my mouth.
I saw Jake’s head jerk towards the door where I was standing, and look me straight in the eyes, as if he saw me standing there. But he slightly shook his head and turned to face Jessica again and said those two words, ‘I Do’. My heart stopped and almost in slow motion, I fell to my knees as his lips touched hers. It was over. My name’s Cassie Jenkins and this is my story.

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Cassie Jenkins Chapter One. I flung myself at the church doors

6 faves · 1 comments · Nov 23, 2011 12:50pm






iCyanide · 1 decade ago
Love the first chapter!
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