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teenage years.

Everyone tells you,
they're the best years of your life.
The thing they don't tell you,
is they are all full of stress.
From a child to a teen,
in less then a year.
It's a lot to deal with,
you have to grow up fast.
As a child you're free,
as a teen you feel locked up.
A child has no worries,
A teen has a lot.
You learn the meaning of love,
you discover broken hearts.
The worries of being accepted,
are the hardest part of all.
What's the best
about these years?
When as a teen,
you live in fear.

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teenage years. Everyone tells you, they're the best years

5 faves · 2 comments · Nov 5, 2011 1:54pm






xcrazyamanda96x · 1 decade ago
Awwww thank you so much! (:
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GenesisCarmil · 1 decade ago
How can this only have 4 likes??? this is AMAZING! yeah it may not be on a fancy format but its still good!
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