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one and only
part 17(fav or comment if yu like it?)
       "Well, I saw you walk outside, and it took me about 10 minutes to get away from Brooke, and I decided to come after you. " Ryan said to me.
"H-how'd you know I was here?" I asked.
"I just had a feeling you would be here. " He said back.
The rain was still coming down and we were sitting in this dry gazibo during out Junior Prom after dark.
"Do you think we should go back? They are going to announce Prom king and queen in about 10 minutes, I believe." He said.
I didn't want to go back, I didn't care about Prom king and queen. It was obvious the Queen is Brooke. "I-i don't really want to go back, I want to go home, will you give me a ride? Please?" I asked.
I was expecting him to say no, because I thought he would want to see who won, but he said,
"Sure, my car is probably a 15 minute walk, though." 
I didn't care about walking in the rain at all, I just wanted to be home in my bed. 
We walked about 5 minutes, and as we were walking, Ryan stopped.
"Why'd you stop walking?"
No answer. He had a look as if he was sad.
"Something wrong?" I asked.
"Listen, Christina, I'm sorry, I really am. I'm sorry I led you on, and hanging out with your best friend, and splitting you guys up. It wasn't my intention. Honestly." He said. It seemed like it took him a lot of courage to say it, and I still couldn't believe it.
"What? Then why did you go out with her?" I asked.
"Well, I thought I didn't have a chance with you. I've talked to some people, I'm not dumb, I know you like some other kid that's at your bus stop." He said. He sounded, jealous.
"I don't like him anymore." I said.  We started walking again, and he continued by saying,
"And well, I wanted to make you jealous, I thought maybe you seeing me with someone else would make you like me. It was dumb, I know, and again, I'm sorry."
"Ryan, I don't care anymore." I said to him,
"Y-you don't?"
"No. I don't. I'm just happy you dumped Brooke." I said. 
He looked me in the eyes, and smiled, and I looked at him. The next thing I knew, we were both leaning in, and we kissed. 
Maybe it was a good thing I came to prom, after all. 

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one and only part 17(fav or comment if yu like it?) "Well,

7 faves · Oct 26, 2011 7:57pm






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