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i'm  a  girl.

i check my phone even when i know i'll have no texts.
i go out of my way to step on a crunchy looking leaf.
i say thingy when i don't remember the name of something.
i pretend to be writing in class so i won't be called on.
i say elemenopee as a letter in the alphabet.
i run up the stairs as if someone was chasing me.
i laugh everything off so no one asks what's wrong.
i am the quiet girl in school who's physco at home.
i fall to hard for boys.
i look at the window as if i am in a movie when a sad song comes on.
i take pictures to remember the good moments. 

I'm  a  girl.

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i'm a girl. i check my phone even when i know i'll have

7 faves · 1 comments · Oct 22, 2011 10:32pm






JuliaLovesYouForEvah · 1 decade ago
So true<3 Every single word...
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