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one and only
part 12
     "W-who?" I asked. I could hear my heart beat in my ears.  
"Ryan Mason!!!" Brooke screamed to me and jumped in joy.
I couldn't believe what I heard. Just a few seconds after I walked away from him, he goes and asks *her* to prom. Why did he always hangout with me? Was it to get closer to Brooke? Is that the only reason he even talked to me? I didn't understand. I couldn't process this. I was just so suprised and heartbroken.
"Hello? Christina?" Brooke said waving her hand in front of my face.
"What? Oh."
"Haha, whats wrong? Aren't you happy for me?" She asked. I didn't know what to say
"U-uh yeah, sure. I got to go. " I said to her.
"Where are you going? Lunch doesnt end for another 15 mintues!" She called after me.
I just ignored her and walked away. I walked out into the halls, and just wondered.
Some classes were still going on, but I didn't care if I got caught. At this point, I didn't really care about anything.
I went into the school courtyard and lay down in the soft green grass.
It reminded me of when me and Ryan hung out in that field, and almost kissed.
 I blased Adele in my ears. I know I may have been overreacting, it is just prom, but Brooke is gorgeous and is willing to do anything with a guy. I wouldn't be shocked if they ended up dating after this.
But I really honestly felt like I love Ryan.
I may not have showed it or even realized it, but I do.

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one and only part 12 "W-who?" I asked. I could hear

5 faves · Oct 20, 2011 7:45pm






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