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part 11
     "So,  I think I'm going to go to the prom. " I said to Brooke as I sat down in English.
"WHAT?! You are?! That's amazing!" She practically screamed to me.
"Yes, relax relax, I got my dress yesterday. " I said.
I was going to explain to her what it looked like, but the class started.
 I sat there for the next 85 minutes of class almost falling asleep every 5 minutes.  
When class was finally over, I started walking to lunch and saw Ryan on my way.
"Hey, Christina, there's something I have been meaning to ask you, but I was scared of your answer. "  Ryan said to me. Was this it? Was he finally going to ask me to prom?
"Ask me." I said.
"Well, you know Brooke Robertson? Do you think I should ask her to prom?"
Right when he said that to me, I could feel my heart break. I thought he liked me, he lead me on? My legs started to feel wobbly and my heart was pounding. I couldn't think straight.  I honestly really like Ryan. Did Brooke like him? Will she say yes? Should I even go to prom anymore? I didn't know what to say.  
The first thing that actually came out of my mouth was, "I'm going to be late for lunch." I walked away without saying anything more and dragged myself to lunch .
I think Brooke is in this lunch.
Great. I walked to where I usually sit with, what judgemental people call, the "scene" kids, and sat down.  I saw Brooke sit down with all her popular friends and she looked over at me in excitement.
She hopped up out of her sit and ran up to me and said,
"Guess who just asked me to Prom in the hall!"

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untitled part 11 "So, I think I'm going to go to the

6 faves · 1 comments · Oct 19, 2011 9:11pm






ShiraRZ · 1 decade ago
brooke is a backstabber. how could she do that 2 her bff? even if she's not popular she shouldn't go out with the guy she's been hanging out with. and he shouldn't have used her 2 get 2 brooke

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