Witty Profiles

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part 8
   I walked to History  and sat down in my usual seat, and Ryan sat down next to me.
"Hey Christina. " He said to me with a smile on his face.  
"Hi. " I said kind of rudely. I didn't mean to though, my head was still hurting and I was annoyed.
"Hey, are you mad at me or something?" He asked me.
"Oh, no, sorry, I kind of fell yesterday, and my head broke my fall." I said, blushing from embarrasment.
He let out a chuckle, then we didn't talk until class was over.  I grabbed my stuff and walked out the door.
"Hey, Christina, wait up!" Ryan called after me. I stopped walking and let him catch up.
"Want to go to the mall today?" He asked.
"Uh, sure. Pick me up at 4?" I said. He nodded and we went our separate ways. Call me crazy, but I think I am falling for Ryan. I haven't thought about Carson at all these past few days, I didn't care to impress him or anything anymore. My life was getting better and better. What could go wrong?
I went to my bus and got on.
I was kind of sad Ryan drove to school, because I can't sit with him or anything.
 The bus ride went pretty quick, I sat with Olivia the whole time until she had to get off.
It went by quick. When I got home I texted my mom and reapplied some eyeliner and had something to eat.
I went to my room and put on Spongebob to pass the time.
 After a few episodes, I heard my doorbell ring and raced down the stairs. It was Ryan. I went outside and we hopped in his car and went off to the mall. 


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untitled part 8 I walked to History and sat down in my usual

4 faves · 1 comments · Oct 18, 2011 9:02pm






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