Witty Profiles

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part 7
   I woke up the next morning and walked over to my calendar.
It was the first day of June, and prom is in almost 2 weeks.
 I hate prom, or anything I had to dress up for, I don't like. I just think it's stupid.  Yeah, it's a good way to spend time with your friends before summer starts, but I can always see them next year.
 I did my morning routine and got on the bus. I grabbed out my iPod and started listening to Skrillex.
My head still hurt from yesterdays fall.
 I got to school and went to homeroom and checked my schedule. English first, lucky me.  
At least I have it with Brooke, I guess.  I walked all the way to English after the bell rang and sat down next to her. Of course, the first thing she asked me is,
"Prom is in about 2 weeks! What does your dress look like?"
"Brooke, you know that I don't like dressing up. I'm not going and that's final." I said to her.
"But Chriissstinnaaa, you HAVE to go." She said.
Brooke has always been one of those extremely girly girls who loved to dress up.
She is absolutely gorgeous and has blonde hair and piercing grey eyes. She's 5'9 and looks like a model.  She always has to wear skirts and does her hair every morning in some new way. She was also one of the most popular girls in school. All the guys like her, and all the girls want to be her. Not to forget, she wins homecoming queen every year.
 I don't even know how we are friends honestly. We are completely different. I stand 5'5 and have brown hair and brown eyes. I straighten my hair and wear black skinny jeans and video game shirts everyday.  The only reason people know who I am is because of her.
She's perfect. 


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untitled part 7 I woke up the next morning and walked over to

5 faves · 1 comments · Oct 18, 2011 4:07pm






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