Witty Profiles

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Maybe I like him..?

What color is his hair? brown
What style is it? short
What color eyes? green.
Cute smile? Yes(:
Braces? no
Glasses? no
Abs? Nop
Height? 5'8 
What grade is he in? doesnt go to school
 How did you meet him? his sister
How long have you known him? since im in diapers

Does he play any sports? football and handball
Do you guys ever text? always:)
How about facebook chat? He dont go on facebook 
Last time you were on his facebook profile? today
Describe something he would wear on a typical day: sweatpants and tee shirt
What's the favorite thing you've seen him wear? black sweatpants, black tanktop and hat <3
Where you able to see his abs? he dont have them and im okay with that:)
Least favorite thing? i dont see him a lot >=O
Do your friends know you like him? only a few
Do any of your teachers know you like him? no they dont even noe he exsists
Do you parents know? only my mom
Do they know he exists? Yes.
Do you think they would like him if you were dating him? Of course. my mom already loves him its just my da :O
Have you met his parents? Yea
What would you do if he saw your witty? Wouldn't care 
Next Quote >

Maybe I like him..? What color is his hair? brown What style

0 faves · Oct 17, 2011 12:30pm




