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we'll be alright.
*chapter 13*
     We were IMing each other long enough for me to inform him about what went down with me and Ryan. He told me to get dressed and out of bed and tell Amber do the same because he was taking us to dinner with his twin brother. Amber got excited and made herself all pretty-like. She threw on a white crop top and did a little dance to get into her skinny jeans. She slid into gladiators and zipped them up at the heel, then put a double-fingered ring on and a gold necklace and feather earrings. She slid on a chain bracelet and slapped some lip gloss on her lips. She smeared foundation and bronzer all over her face and blended it in. She  applied a natural eye shadow onto her lids. She painted her nails light blue Essie and switched her phone case and her belly button ring. She let her hair hang naturally and sat down on my bed while I got ready. I threw on a pink tank top, and let my slightly ripped white jeans fall securely onto my tiny waist with ease. I stepped into my flip flops, clicked on my watch, slid a ring onto my size 6 thumb, and put earrings in. I shoved my credit  card and some cash and my lip gloss into a clutch and yanked my iPhone out of the charger. I painted my nails quickly and I straightened my long hair. I applied a very white eye shadow and not so much makeup on my face since I had gotten really tan lately this summer. I heard a honking outside so I figured he was here. Me and Amber made our way outside and hopped in the back of his car.
     "Hey guys." I realized I sounded sad so I threw a fake smile into the mix.
     "C'mmmerreee." Drew pulled me into a huge hug, he smelled amazing! I managed a tiny smile for real this time. He drove to this little restaurant near my house. The brother was pretty cute, tall as hell. The four of us sat down at table and ordered.
     "Ummm, I'll just have chicken fingers & a coke, thanks." I gave another small smile and noticed Drew laughing at me. He put his fist over his mouth and fake coughed. I giggled a little. He ordered a burger as well as his brother and Amber ordered a grilled cheese. We sat and waited for our food to come while getting to know each other. 
     "I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Max." He was adorable! Amber's gonna be so happy. Our food came and I only ate like half, while everyone else finished. 
     "You not hungry?" Drew asked, he looked like he actually cared.
     "Nah.." I looked down, about to cry. I picked up my clutch and phone and ran outside. I heard Amber's chair scrape the ground as she was coming to get me but I heard Drew tell her he'd take care of it. 

*i forgot my polyvore email, so i had to make a new one, sorry!(:
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we'll be alright. *chapter 13* We were IMing each other long

3 faves · Sep 10, 2011 11:36am






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