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There was a 5 year old girl names Katy. Katy always wore skirts. It was the first day of Kindergarten. Katy met a boy named Timmy. Timmy asked Katy to climb the jungle gym, so she did as he asked. When Katy got home, she told her mom ALL about her day including the jungle gym! Her mom said, "Don't you ever climb the jungle gym! He may just be trying to look at your underwear!" Katy didn't get why this was such a big deal! The next day, Timmy asked Katy to climb the jungle gym, so she did! She got home, and told her mom about her day. Her mom was very angry and said, "What did I tell you Missy? He may just be trying to look at your underwear!" Katy said, "I tricked him Mommy, I didn't wear any underwear today!"
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There was a 5 year old girl names Katy. Katy always wore skirts.

4 faves · Nov 27, 2008 7:56pm






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